Chapter 12

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"Baby have you talked to Amber yet" Katherine asked

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"Baby have you talked to Amber yet" Katherine asked.

"No, I'm almost positive she hung up on me"


"Because she doesn't want to talk to me"

"How do you know that, maybe that mean aunt of hers hung up"

"No, it was Amber"

"Well, if we're going to go through with this you need to talk to her"

"I will" he grabbed her hands and guided her onto his lap. "Look, I know how much you want a family so I will give it to you"

"You think Amber will give us her baby?"

"I hope so"

"I'm sorry, ever since the miscarriage I've been feeling like less of a woman because I can't have more kids"

"We said three was our goal so I'm going to make that happen"

"Are we doing the right thing?"

"Yeah" Katherine looked unsure as the door to their home opened and a light skin woman walked in with a boy and a girl.

"Hey mama" their oldest hugged her and she kissed his cheek. Katherine switched to their daughter and got off her husbands lap.

"How was school?"


"You got any homework?"

"No, it's the weekend we don't have any homework"

"And what does that mean Jasmine?"

"Well, they don't give out homework in fort worth on Friday, they said they know that kids don't exactly worry about it that's why they give us so much on the weekdays" she answered.

"Well, I guess that's understandable"

"Hey dad can I go to mall with my friends"

"Ooh, I want to go too" Jasmine said.

"You want to take your sister?"


"Jackson please!!" She begged and he stared at his sister and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, just stay away from us"

"I will, I'll even invite my friends" she pulled out her phone to text them.

"Good" he left upstairs to put his things away and Jasmine followed behind him.

"Get ready to take the kids up there"

"Why me?"

"Cause I'm going to start dinner" she answered disappearing upstairs, he chuckled and grabbed his keys, the kids came back downstairs and they were off to the mall in no time.

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