Chapter 1

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"So, are you going to come to my game again?" He asked as he tossed his basketball up in the air, they were walking to his house from school.

"Yeah, I can"

"You sure, what will your mom say?"

"She don't be worried about me"


"Plus you can't win without me anyway" they laughed and he bumped her with his shoulder.

"Whatever" he said as she stole the ball out of his hands, they walked down the sidewalk and Amber zoned out for a moment, she could never get over how nice the houses on his block were.

"Amber, girl do you hear me?"

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted to come over for dinner" He asked as they stopped in front of his house.

"Oh... I don't know, maybe"

"Okay, well just come over if you do" she tossed him back his ball.

"When's dinner?"

"At 7"

"Okay" she nodded.

"You'll come?"


"I'll tell mama so she can know"

"Tell Ms C I said hi"

"Alright I will, bye Amb" he waved running into the house, she saw her mom pop up behind him as he was closing the door, she waved and Amber waved back before the door shut. She sighed turned around and headed home, her house was down the street from his. Because the school was closer to his house, they always walked him home first and then she walked herself home. She loved using that as an excuse to not have him walk her home first, she didn't want him to see the neighborhood she lived in. When she got home, she walked through the door and saw her mother sitting at the kitchen table shuffling through a stack of mail.

"Hello little girl"

"Hi mama"

"Your teacher called me today"

"Oh really, about what?"

"She talking about that damn school again"


"You need to start throwing some of them tests, I don't want that white lady calling me about no gifted school anymore"

"I did I got a B on my Math test and a B on my chemistry quiz"

"Start getting a few F's, I don't have money for a gifted school and if I did I wouldn't send you" that broke Amber's heart.

"Why not?"

"Because, you don't need school baby. It's a waste of time you hear me " Amber nodded.

"Good, now go to your room"

"Are you making dinner tonight?"

"Are you hungry, did you not eat at school?"

"I did"

"Okay then" Amber sighed and headed to her room, she closed the door, sat on her bed Indian style and took out her binder so she could start on her homework. Amber had finished most of it at the end of class, but she still had a few math problems to work out and an essay to write.

When she had decided to take a break it was 5, she got up and left her room to see what her mother was doing. Her mother was sitting on the couch with one of her very frequent male friends.

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