Chapter 4

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They all took seats until there was a knock on the door, Charles opened the door and Candace was shocked to see her older brother.

"Mama called you too huh?" He rolled his eyes he couldn't believe his little sister could do something so heinous.

"Mhm" he let her in and shut the door behind her.

"Carol, Christina, Dean, what's going on? Where is Mama? Is everything okay?" She was officially worried because everyone in the room looked angry.
"Mama went to take Amber to the hospital" Carol said.

"For what?"

"To get her checked out, to make sure that baby isn't pregnant or carrying any kind of fucking disease your sick ass drug dealer could have given her!" Christina said.


"I know your not gonna act stupid?" Charles asked.

"I'm not acting like anything, what the hell are you talking about"

"You've been letting your drug dealer rape my niece, I outta whoop your ass" Christina said.

"Amber said that?"


"That's a fucking lie"

"Was your nasty ass boyfriend raping her a lie as well" Carol asked and her mouth dropped.

"He would never, that little Heffa is lying and your dumb asses believes her"

"I believe every single word that came out her mouth" Candace threw her arms up.

"Of course you do"

"Candace your on drugs, I bet your high right now"

"I'm not on anything"

"Your on something, to be using your child for payment" Christina rolled her eyes.

"Why would I do that to her, what kind of mother would I be?"

"The fucked up one you are right now" Dean answered.

"Do you know you can go to prison for child endangerment, you even stooped so low as to have your daughter fail her classes on purpose because you don't want to send her to a gifted school" Carol said.

"Amber has just been running her mouth"

"For her safety because messing around with you will definitely get her killed" Dean said.

"That's alright though, were going to take her away from you" Charles said.


"She'll be going to stay with Christina we just need you to agree and give her custody"

"I'm not giving up my daughter what the hell"

"The court can do it for us" Carol said.

"Your going to take me to court about my daughter?!" Candace was outraged.

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