Chapter two: Encounter

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De'juana's POV

I woke up and did my daily routine. I put on a dark red shirt with rips at the hem exposing the skin below my bellybutton, a short red ripped skirt and black torn up leggings. I grabbed a short jacket and put on my boot. I leave my left foot bare but I wash it so don't worry. I made my way to the market only to be met by the village flirt, Denki.

"Well hello there"~

"Am I the only girl you like to mess with?" I asked with a small smile.

"Well you're the only girl with purple eyes. That makes you hot. And plus you got a body unlike any other so yeah, I love messing with you. He said.

I rolled my eyes. "You really are desperate aren't you."

"Yeah, I am." He sighed.

"Don't worry buddy. You'll find a girl that's just as dumb as you are." I teased

"Hey!" He said pushing me playfully.

I laughed and pushed him away before stepping into the market. I look around to see what I want to buy. I grabbed some snacks and a bottle of water. I paid for my things and walked off into the forest. I sat down and began eating my food. I heard a noise coming from the bridge. I got up and went to investigate. I made my way onto the bridge stopping at the entrance of Dragonia. The loud trumpet of the announcer filled the sky as I turned around. I felt a warm breeze down my neck and a shadow loomed over me. I turned around to meet a large red dragon. It's yellow eyes pierced into my own. I yelped and started running. I didn't get very far as I was lifted into the air by the dragon. I screamed and thrashed trying to get out of its grasp.

"Put me down you stupid lizard!" I yelled.

It growled but kept flying. I pulled out my dagger and connected it with its claw. It roared out in pain as I managed to get out and run. I could hear the dragon getting closer as it roared out in anger. I ran faster and hit under some boulders. I saw the dragon land, I quickly put my hands over my mouth to be quiet. The loud stomping sounds came to an end. I waited a few more minutes before coming out of my hiding place. I carefully looked around. The dragon was nowhere insight. I sighed in relief. Or so I thought. I heard growling and warm air behind me. I turned around to be faced with an angry dragon. I gasped and tried to run but it pinned me down by its claws. I struggled to get out of its claws but it was no use. I groaned before putting my head down. The dragon sniffed before turning into a.....HUMAN BOY WITH WINGS?! He had spiky red hair, a blue vest with matching pants, a red cloth wrapped around his neck and another one around his waist, and black boots. He still has his wings and tail but the thing I was skeptical about was his razor sharp teeth.

"Looks like you've wondered into the wrong place." He said.

"Uh excuse me you were the one who kidnapped me and brought me here." I snapped at him.

"That's because you were on our side of the bridge and I found you so that means you're mine." He said.

"Ha! No. You didn't find me. You kidnapped me, and I'm not yours, I don't even know who you are." I snapped.

"Ok to answer your last statement my name is Eijiro Kirishima, and yes you are mine." He said.

"You must be either stupid or just plain dumb. I am not yours, and I'm getting out of here." I said moving past him.

He sighed and grabbed my arm in a firm grip before pinning me to the boulder. His scleras turned black and his eyes turned yellow as his pupils turned to slits.

"Listen here little pebble. You are mine, I own you. The moment you stepped foot across that bridge, the moment I laid my eyes on you, you've been mine." He said. His voice low and stern causing me to shiver.

"Now let's start over. You know my name. So what's yours little pebble?" He asked.

I turned my head, not answering his question.

"I see you're stubborn, I'll take care of that." He said. He softly cupped my cheek before making me look at him.

"De'juana Allazora." I said.

"Good girl, De'juana." He said.

He roughly picked me up and flew to a cave filled with gold and jewels. He laid me down before crawling on top of me. I looked up into his piercing red eyes. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face before kissing my forehead and neck. My breathing hitched making him chuckle and smirk.

"You're hella sexy. And you're all mine, little pebble.

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