Chapter Seven: Accepted

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De'juana's POV

I opened my eyes and yawned a little. Eijiro looked at me and kissed my forehead. I could still feel him inside me, I blushed and paled. Eijiro chuckled and rocked his hips a little making me whimper. He laughed and pulled out. I tried to sit up but fell back down immediately. My legs were still shaking and I was slightly sore from the waist down. I noticed Eijiro staring at me. I gave him a confused look before I brought my hand up to my neck and collarbone. I could feel the bruises and cuts from last night's session. I blushed and clamped my legs together making Eiji chuckle.

"Yeah pebble. Now you're truly mine." He said getting between my legs, kissing me. He pulled me up by my waist and started grinding into me. I moaned and gripped his bicep. He chuckled and stopped.

"I gotta get you some more clothes since I pretty much ripped yours off. For now, put this on." He said. He handed me a large red cloak that reached down to my ankles. I put it on and he helped me stand up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and flew out of the cave. He landed but didn't put me down. I put my head on his shoulder and smiled when he kissed my cheek. We heard a familiar roar. I looked up and saw Bakugo and Fritara. Bakugo shifted into his human form and held Fritara on his hip. Fritara looked shocked and was shaking a little.

"Hey man! What'd you do to her? You must've gave it to her huh?" Eijiro said slyly.

"Tch. Damn right I did." Bakugo said.

"I can tell. She's shaking." Eijiro chuckled.

"I know you gave it to De'juana. I could hear her from my room." Bakugo smirked.

I buried my head in Eijiro's chest. Making him chuckle and kiss my cheek. "I'm sure after that session she'll start behaving. She can't feel anything at all and I did leave a shit ton of marks." Eijiro said.

"I can see. Her entire neck and collarbone are covered in marks." Bakugo pointed out. I whined, making Eijiro bounce me on his hip a little.

"De'juana?" Fritara asked. I turned my head and looked at her. She looked at my neck and her eyes widened.

"D-De'juana? Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded in response. My voice was still kinda sore and hoarse.

"Your voice must be sore. " She said. I looked down and nodded.

"You're talking about her but you're just as bad." Bakugo said. Fritara glared at him and raised her arm to strike at him. Bakugo immediately caught it.

"Don't you fucking dare teddy bear. Or else I'll go double hard on you. Leave you passed out and panting." Bakugo growled in her ear. Fritara flinched and looked down. "Good girl." Bakugo growled.

"I was on my way to get De'juana some new clothes since I destroyed her other ones." Eijiro said.

"Yeah? We were heading that way to. Besides let's get  them some nice collars." Bakugo said slyly. Fritara and I both squirmed. "Awe look at them." Eijiro cooed. "They brought this upon themselves. So they fucking deal with it." Bakugo said.

I kicked my feet wanting to be put down. Eijiro noticed and put me down, but his arms never left my waist. Bakugo stopped and turned around facing us. Eijiro waited for a moment before he slowly removed his arm from me. I looked off into the distance and took a few fast steps. Eijiro immediately grabbed my arms and put me back on his hip. I kicked my feet and pouted.

"I don't fucking think so. This is why I can't let you go on your own." Eijiro said stern. I sighed but laid my head back down on his shoulder. "Good pebble." Eijiro purred. "Tch let's go dumbass." Bakugo grunted.

We walked to a cave filled with different clothes. Dresses, skirts, shirts, pants, and shoes filled the rocky shelves. Eijiro and Bakugo finally put Fritara and I down. Eijiro held my arm while Bakugo held Fritara's. I looked around to see a dark purple shirt. I tapped Eijiro's shoulder and pointed at it. "You want that one pebble?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed it from the rack and we kept looking. I saw a pair of black leggings with a few rips on the legs. I grabbed it and handed it to Eijiro. I saw a dark purple skirt and snitched it off the rack. I made sure to grab some undergarments. Eijiro handed me a pair of boots with a few chains hanging around the boot area. I nodded after inspecting them. Eijiro picked me up again and paid for the clothes. We walked outside and waited for Bakugo and Fritara. Once they walked out, Bakugo and Eijiro took to the skies. It was twilight, the sky looked so beautiful. I didn't even notice Eijiro staring at me as I was lost in the beauty of the twilight sky. I was brought back to my senses when Eijiro landed.

"Alright man, I'm headed back home. Take care Bakugo." Eijiro said.

"Yeah you too. See you tomorrow Kiri." Bakugo said and flew off. Eijir flew back to the cave and set me down. He handed me the new clothes. "Go on and change." He said. I gave a look. He sighed, rolling his eyes and turned around. I changed into my new clothes and sighed. They were really comfortable. "You can turn around now." I said to Eijiro.

He turned around and his eyes widened. "Looking even sexier pebble. Damn. He breathed out. I blushed. "You like it?" I asked. "Hell fucking yeah." He said. I made grabby hands at him. He chuckled and held my waist. He kissed my jawline, making me giggle. "You're so cute pebble." He chuckled. I smiled and relaxed in his arms. "You might as well accept the fact that you're mine and you're not going anywhere. You belong right here in my arms, where I can protect you, hold you, and love you baby." Eijiro said.

"Yeah. You're right." I smiled. "That's my girl. My beautiful pebble." He said kissing my neck. "It's getting late, baby." He said. "Yeah we should go to bed. I'm a little sleepy." I yawned. He picked me up and carried me to the pallet.

We laid down with me in his arms. I tossed my keg over his waist as his tail wrapped around me. His wings wrapped around me, caging me in the warmth of his body. He kissed my forehead and sighed before closing his eyes.

"Goodnight pebble."

"Goodnight Eijiro."

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