Chapter Ten: The Date

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Kirishima's POV

Today is the day I take my pebble out on a date. I'm gonna take her to the sky allies, one of my favorite places. I'm sure she'll love it. I felt her stirr in my arms. I smiled as she began to awake. "Hey pebble. You enjoy your beauty sleep?" I smiled. "Yep." She yawned. I wrapped my arms around her and flew into a nearby village. I handed her some golden coins and walked to a shop with bathing stalls attached to it. I walked her to the women's bathing area and paid for her to go bathe. While she's bathing I went into the market to get her some more food and clothes. I bought her stuff and walked out to wait for her. I then remembered she didn't have anymore clothes to change into.

I snuck into the women's bathing area and walked around to find her. I saw familiar black and purple hair. I jumped over the door making her jump in surprise. She hid in the water. "I've seen you naked before." I said. She blushed and looked away. "I brought you some more clothes." I said as I placed them on the rack. I took off my clothes making her squeak. "E-E-Eijiro? W-What are you d-doing?" She asked, stuttering on her words a little. "I'm gonna bathe with my beautiful pebble." I said with a smirk as I climbed in.

I felt her tense up. I wrapped my arms around her body, "relax." I whispered in her ear. I rubbed her shoulder till I felt her relax. I wrapped my tail around her torso and nuzzled into her neck. She giggled and leaned into my chest. I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. We stayed like this for a while until she lifted her fingers. "Aw my fingers are wrinkled." She whined. I looked at her fingers and saw she was right, her fingers were wrinkly. "Time to get out." I said. I grabbed the towel and took her away from the tub. I began to dry her body and hair. It was a little hard because her hair goes down to her ankles.

Once she was fully dry, I helped her put her clothes on. I violently shook my body, causing water to fly everywhere. I looked over to my pebble and saw she put the towel up to shield herself from the water. She looked at me, shocked written all over her face. "Sorry babe." I said kissing her forehead. I put my clothes back and quickly made my way out of the bathing area before anyone saw me. Once we were far from the village I let my wing and tail out. I picked up my girl and flew back to the cave. Once we finally got back to the cave I placed her on the pallet. I brought the food I bought for her and placed it in front of her. I had to go out hunting, but I was still skeptical she might run away. I turned to her and lifted her chin staring right into her purple eyes.

"Pebble, I'm going out hunting, that means you stay in the cave. If I come back and you're not in this cave or if I see you running away, you will be punished. Last time I went easy on you but this time, I won't go as easy. Understand." I said sternly. She nodded. "Good girl." I purred. I flew out of the cave and to a nearby farm. I saw a large carcass. I waited for the right moment before attacking it. I drew my claws into its skin killing it instantly. I flew to a river and dunked it in washing the blood off it. I heard the familiar sounds of wings flapping and a flash of golden orange. It was my buddy, Bakugo.

"What the hell are you doing all the way out here dumbass?" He asked. "I was just going hunting, to get food for me and my pebble." I said. He just gave his famous tch. "Where'd you get it from?" He asked. "Just a farm not too far from here, want me to show you?" I asked. "I can find it on my own!" He snapped. I laughed and raised my hands up in surrender. "It's just in the northeast direction, not too far from the All Might kingdom." I said pointing. "Tch" He flew off fast and came back with a dead carcass. He repeated the same process as I did with cleaning the blood off. The sun began to set and I noticed around this time dangerous beasts roamed the area. "We should head back." I said.

"Yeah, we should." Bakugo replied. We both took our prey and flew up high in the sky. I waved a goodbye to Bakugo as I flew back to my cave. I saw that my pebble was still here. "I see you didn't try to leave." I said. She looked at and shook her head. I smiled and blew a fire and started cooking the carcass. I didn't even notice my pebble was behind me until I turned around and she was there. She pulled out some spices and added them to the carcass and looked back at me. I smiled and let her do her thing. The smell of the meat cooking was really good that I nearly started drooling. I snapped out of my trance when I saw her waving her little hand in my face. I just looked at her, taking in all of her beautiful features. The smell of the meat grew stronger as Dejuana added more spices to it making the amazing aroma fill the cave. I smiled,  watching her move around.

I cut the meat using my claw to see it was fully cooked and took it away from the fire. I saw my pebble grabbing two plates, cups, and some utensils. She placed some fruit, cheese, and bread onto the plates and filled the cups with water. I smiled as I cut two pieces of the meat and placed them on the plates. I noticed the stars starting to come out. "Well here goes nothing." I thought to myself. "Hey pebble, wanna go out tonight?" I asked. "Yes!" She said. "But what about our food?" She asked. "Don't worry we'll eat there. Plus tonight is a very special night and I want you to see something that rarely occurs here in Dragonia." I said, making her smile and nod. "Alright let's go!" She said.

I gathered the food and carefully picked her up. I flew up high in the skies. I flew to the large tree of the sky allies. I put her down and organized our food for the special occasion. As the sun finally disappeared over the mountain, everything began to glow. I looked to see my pebble looking around with pure amazement on her face as I watched everything glow in the moonlight. I noticed her hair started to shine a little as well as her eyes. Then all of a sudden a streak of red appeared on either side of her hair. She seemed to notice as she looked at her hair then looked back at me with a soft blush on her face. "What does that mean pebble?" I asked her. "It means I'm bound to you." She said shyly. I smiled," I'm bound to you too baby." I said looking into her eyes.

We ate and stared at the sky. Many bioluminescent  plants and animals danced in the night sky. The moon stood high above the mountain providing light for all. As the night went on my baby started to get sleepy. She fell asleep in my arms. I collated all of the plates, cups, and utensils. I carefully picked her up and gently flew back to the cave. I placed her down on the pallet and pulled the red cloth on her body. I kissed her cheek, making her hum and smile in her sleep. I walked away to go put the dishes back to their piles before making my way back to the pallet. I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms and wings around her body so she would stay warm. I truly found the perfect pebble.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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