Chapter Four: Bound

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De'juana's POV

The sunlight hit my eyes. I woke up to Eiji rubbing my back and kissing my forehead. I smiled as I got up and yawned, stretching my arms. Eiji got in front of me and sat me in between his legs before wrapping his arms around me.

"Good morning pebble. How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"I slept fine. How bout you?" I asked.

"I slept alright." He said.

We heard a loud noise. Eiji quickly wrapped his wings around me.

"Kirishima!" A loud booming voice called.

"Over here buddy!" Eiji called out.

"Tch there you are dumbass. I've been looking everywhere for you." The voice said.

"Yeah sorry bout that Bakugo just waking up not too long ago before you came in." Eiji said.

"Tch. Hey why are your wings like that. Like you're hiding something." Bakugo asked.

"Well actually I did find something amazing at the border yesterday." Eiji said as his wings left my body.

"YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN INTO THIS LAND?!" Bakugo yelled, making me flinch and hid in Eiji's chest.

"Ay man, keep your voice down. You're scaring her." Eji said as he rocked me around softly.

"Tch what is your name, human?" Bakugo said.

"D-De'juana A-Allazora." I said looking up at him.

"She was on our side of the bridge." Eijiro said.

"Why was she there?" Bakugo growled.

"She was walking unknowingly until the announcer blew his trumpet." Eijiro said.

"Tsk well she's on dragon territory. Meaning she belongs to us." Bakugo said.

"I already told her that and I saw her first so she's mine." Eijiro said.

"Tch well obviously. Dumbass, she's your consort. Yours for life." Bakugo said.

"What?!" I yelled as I jumped to my feet.

"For life dumbass. When you step onto dragon territory you automatically belong to us until the first dragon lays claim to you. So you're staying here with Kiri for life." Bakugo explained.

"What?! I can't stay here for life. I have my own life to live and I'd like to live without being told what to do or where to go! I don't care what you say! I'm getting the hell out of here!" I yelled as I walked to the entrance only to get pulled back by Eijiro. His eyes are what scared me the most. His sclera was completely black and his eyes were yelled with the pupils in slits. He yanked me up to his chest holding me tightly so I can't move. I struggled but eventually gave up.

"What have I told you, pebble? I told you I saw you which means your mine, and just like everything else in this room. You. Do. Not. Leave. So whether you like it or not, I own you, little pebble." He growled.

I just looked down, not wanting to look him in the eye. He roughly grabbed my chin making me look at him.

"Do I make myself clear? I don't want to keep having this conversation with you little girl." He growled.

"Yes." I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

Eijiro chuckled darkly as he kissed my forehead.

"You're all mine pebble." He growled.

"Tsk. Dumbass." Bakugo said.

"Now go sit over in the corner like a good girl." Eijiro said.

I gave him the wtf look."I'm not a toddler." I snapped.

"I don't care. Go sit in the corner or else." He said his voice low.

"Or else what?" I snapped."

"Or else I'll punish you." He growled.

He brought his lips to my ear and whispered,"I'll stuff you pebble."

I shivered but walked to the corner anyway.

"Good girl." I heard him say before turning back to talk to Bakugo.

I picked up a small rock and threw it, making it bounce off the cave wall and hit Bakugo in the eye.

"Ow! Damnit!" Bakugo yelled, holding his eye.

"Ay man! You ok? What happened?" Eijiro asked.

"A fucking rock hit me in my eye!" Bakugo yelled.

They both turned to look at me. I turned around quick facing the wall.

"Get up." Eijiro said, his voice firm.

I sighed but got up and faced them. Eijiro did not look happy.

"Get over here." He growled.

I walked over to them and looked into Eijiro's eyes.

"Did you throw the rock?" He asked.

"I threw the rock at the wall but it bounced off." I said.

"Apologize now." He growled.

I turned to look at Bakugo. "I'm sorry." I said.

"Tch whatever dumbass, but stop throwing fucking rocks!" He snapped.

I nodded. Eijiro wrapped his arm around my waist before picking me up and bounced me on his hip.

"Yeah sorry about that man. I'm sure once she accepts the fact that she's not leaving I'm sure she'll start behaving." Eijiro said.

"Tch she should be behaving within the next two months. Two weeks if you're stern with her." Bakugo said.

"Yeah I don't wanna force her, I just wanna make sure she's comfortable and relaxed." Eijiro said before kissing me cheek, making me blush.

"See, look at her blushing on me. Isn't it just the cutest." Eijiro said.

"Tch, yeah I guess it is cute. But whatever! Just make sure she behaves. Dumbass." Bakugo said.

"You still need me to do patrol?" Eijiro asked.

"Nah, you've got something else to focus on, her." Bakugo said.

"Yeah I know, once she starts behaving I'll trust her enough to stay here by herself. Right now, hell no. She'll try to run away." Eijiro said.

"Yeah? Well take care of her. Dumbass. I'll see you later Kiri." Bakugo said as he walked out of the cave.

Eijiro carried me to the pallet and sat down. He pulled me into his lap. I laid my head down on his chest. His arms wrapped around my body. He lifted my chin and stared into my eyes. I stared into his piercing red eyes. I felt so much safer with him.


"Yes little pebble?"

"I'm sorry for misbehaving. I'll stay here, with you." I said placing my hands on his chest.

"I forgive you baby." He said kissing my forehead.

I smiled and laid my head on his chest, cuddling with him. It seemed for the first time I felt safe, like I didn't have to hide anymore. It's almost as if I was bound to him as all my escape plans left my head.

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