Planet O's (A/U I guess?)

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Planet O's were the best cereal to ever be created by the human mind, and nobody, nobody could ever tell Morty otherwise.

How could something that appears to be so simple, so average, end up being unique and outstanding? From the complex art design that warmly welcomed the consumer on the box to the dangerously sweet crunchy-marshmallowy goodness in the inside, eating it was an absolute joy, and he never regretted spending his allowance on the treat. It caused some concern from Howard, and Summer was questioning whether or not he had an addiction to them, but he waved them off. Planet-O's weren't harmful to anyone, just look at Captain Whiskers! There's nothing to worry about, and there was no way he had an addiction. Honestly, that was the silliest thing he's ever heard leave his little sister's mouth. It's breakfast, as if it wasn't obvious, and people kinda ate breakfast everyday? How can it be an addiction if it's a necessity to live? Oh well, she was young, how could she know better?

He wasn't addicted to Planet-O's, okay? That was goody. Aren't addictions supposed to be unhealthy? If he was attached to them, he'd be out of shape,or sick, or he would be stuck in the hospital. Rest assured, as someone who has a pretty good understanding of how much sugar was in each serving of the box, he was sure that none of it would ever be enough to put him in such a condition. He even had a tendency to eat double the servings for fun, and he still felt agile! The problem was that Howard and Summer were so used to eating plain ol' boring cereal, like Choccy Hoops or some other nonsense, that they're completely intimidated at the idea of trying something much better. That was it, right?

At least Whiskers seemed to enjoy them too - the marshmallow planets to be exact. Morty was never too fond of sharing with his awesome pet, sadly aware that he wouldn't get to eat the best parts. But to stop the world from getting annihilated? He'd put up with it for now, he supposed...

" wanna know this crazy thought I just had?" He shared to Howard, a spoonful of cereal in his mouth as they watched tv. It was a pretty decent way to get enough energy to go to school. "There should be a box of Planet-O's where there's nothing but marshmallows!"

The blonde looked over at his friends, uncertain on whether to smile or be extremely worried. Didn't he realized that he's already shoving a dangerous about of sugar down his throat? He wanted more of that? Besides, they'll get all icky from floating around in the milk, and then the milk will be too sweet...gross.


"Yeah, that way Whiskers can eat the marshmallows, and I get marshmallows and cereal! Or... he could eat the cereal and I could eat the marshmallows.... yeah, that's better."

"Don't you think you're... I don't know... eating enough marshmallows as it is?"

Howard couldn't see how Morty could nonchalantly inhale gallon after gallon of sweetness without getting that know that type of burn you get in the back of your throat when you eat something too sweet and that sugar kinda sticks to it? Yeah, that kind of burn. Was he immune to it? If so, man did he just buy the every ounce of respect he could offer.

Gently slamming the bowl onto the coffee table - don't wanna get that milk on the floor y'know - Morty narrowed his eyes, knowing what this conversation was about to turn into.

"Are you questioning my marshmallow intake?"

"I'm questioning way more things than you think, Morty," Howard briefly thought back to Summer's concerns. "Isn't this your second bowl in 20 minutes?"

"No! It's second and a half!" Morty stated defensively, picking the bowl back up and preceding to drink every drop of milk. The talk of marshmallows, the speed in which he finished the cereal, and the insanely fast manner he downed that milk, almost as if his life depended on it was enough evidence the blonde boy needed to come to a diagnosis.

"Oh man...Morty, you have a problem..." Howard sighed, placing his bottle of apple juice down as he locked his small fingers together, looking down at the carpet. Frankly, he couldn't believe that it took him this long to be sure of Morty's issue, despite the signs being slamp in his face all this time...

"Well, sorry!" Morty huffed, holding the bowl close with deep offense. "I didn't know it was such a huge crime to eat breakfast!"

"No, but it should be a huge crime if the breakfast you're eating could give you a heart attack at any second."

"Yeah? Well it should be a huge crime bash on people for loving healthy cereal!" Morty retorted with a frown.

"You're in denial-"

"I have nothing to be in denial about, Howard!"

"You're denying that you're in denial!"

This was ten times worse than he ever imagined, he was in this stage so deep...

"You're addicted to Planet-O's, Morty," Howard hated to slap the truth in his best friend's face so harshly, but when issues were this bad, some tough love was necessary. "Admit it!"

"What?! N-no I'm not, okay? Just because I eat it a lot doesn't mean I have a deep attachment to it, it's cereal! Very delicious cereal!"

"Then how come you eat it for breakfast and lunch almost every day?!"

"What else am I supposed to eat?!"


"Oh...then what's Whisker's supposed to eat?"

"Morty..." He pinched the bridge of his nose with another sigh, knowing that he wasn't getting anywhere. Of course, there was a high chance that he was being slightly unreasonable, expecting a smidge of change only minutes after exposing the problem. Then again, he's never dealt with such problems, so... he's trying his best. Taking a look at the clock, school was in fifteen minutes - it would be better head out now, maybe Morty could walk off some of the sugar he gulped down. The walk could also give him a more reasonable plan to help out his friend.

"We'll talk about this later, Morty," Howard would make this a promise - not only for Morty, but for himself as well. This Planet-O's thing has gone on far enough, he decided! "And we're going to walk to school, if you don't mind."

"Aw, no dragon?"

Wasn't that a let down? The dragon only knocked down two buildings, why couldn't he take it out for a ride?

"NO. No dragons, Morty,  please..."

"First I can't eat my cereal and now I can't even use the dragon? And I thought you were fun!"

"Dying isn't fun!"

He's such a worrywart. With a small roll of the eyes, he grabbed his back, yelled goodbye to his sister and mother before running out the door, Howard being last to follow.

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