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At 4 a.m., Cleo has yanked away from her peaceful slumber from her aggressively ringing phone. She yawned, leaning over to her dresser to see who it was, getting ready to scream at them for waking her up.

'Skinny Legend.'

How great. It was Ollie. With slight irritation, she picked it up before answering, wondering what the hell he could want at this time of day.


Cleo held the phone away from her ear at her friend's panicked screeching, covering one of the speakers with her finger to avoid waking up her parents. She felt bad for Pyper, knowing that her room was only right down the hall from Ollie's. The poor girl was probably shaking.

"Oll, calm down, I can't understand you when your voice cracks like that." The 13-year-old whispered, sitting up in her bed. "Now, what's wrong?"


"Oh god, this isn't going to be like the time when you made me think something was wrong with you just for you to say you're radio rebel, is it? Because if so, I'm hanging up, and I'm punching you in the face in the morning."

"No, Cleo! Don't hang up, this is serious!"

The boy's voice rose higher several octaves, desperately pleading for her to stay. She couldn't see why he couldn't go to Bernie with this"serious" thing, he usually wakes up around this time.

"Fine. What is it?"

"S-so I woke up at 2 because I-I had to pee, a-a-a-a-a-"


"And I looked in the mirror and...I saw this COLOSSAL sized red mark on my forehead! At first, I thought it was a marker, maybe CW got me back for last week. I scrubbed vigorously at the abomination, I scrubbed it as my life depended on it! It just wouldn't come off, and then another one popped up on my cheek! C-Cleo, what if I'm dying?! This could be some kind of mortal SKIN DISEASE!!!"

Cleo held back a smile with her fist. Okay, this was genuine fear. He sounded like a broken speak-and-spell, and she could hear his vocal cords being destroyed from here. Her anger was gone; she had to give Ollie props for making her morning way more interesting than she thought it would be. With common sense, she figured out that the red spot he was wailing about was a pimple. And, considering how big of a ham Ollie was being, the pimple must be barely noticeable. She played along for the entertainment.

"Cool, does it hurt?"

"Not really,'s icky, I look like a mess! "

"Is it depressingly ugly?"


"Aw, I'm just playing around, Oll," she said with a grin. "You'll be alright, slap a bandaid over it."

"I guess that'll work... I'll try it."

"So you're okay now?"


"Good. Now go to sleep, don't call me this early ever again, and I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye Ollie!"

On that note, she hung up, turned the phone off, and went back to sleep.

*Laters and stuff*

When Ollie failed to meet up at Bernie's house for their daily bike ride to school, Bernie and Cleo risked being late to see if he was okay. His house wasn't too far away, and if they ran, they could make it to school on time as well.

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