The Lady (Pt. 4)

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June Allen received a call from Portshill Jr. High

Getting phone calls from either Ollie or Pyper's school spontaneously filled the mother with distress. The calls only came if something bad were to happen or them or if they missed a day of school. Neither of the siblings was the type to play rookie, no matter how much they disliked the hellhole of boredom, so that only left her shaky mind to wander to the worst possibility.

"Somebody called, Mom!" Pyper was the first one to see the blinking answering machine upon stepping a foot into the house, running over to look at the number. After a few seconds, a small smirk curved her lips. "It's from Ollie's school...oooh, he's in trouble. HEY OLL-"

"Pyper..." June warned when her daughter turned to scream for her brother, who they both assumed was up in his room. Her mind was still set on the worst. What if Ollie had gotten hurt up there? He could be in his room right now, immersing in pain due to his stubbornness. Pain relievers were for wimps, he always said. And what if he was bleeding out from an injury he sustained from there? He could be trying to tend it by himself. Unable to bare with the horrible scenarios that bubbled up in her mind, June finally pressed play.

"Ms. Allen, this is Magna here. seems as if Oliver didn't show up to school today! I'm sure you have your reasons, maybe he was sick or a family member died, yadda yadda. That's all fine and dandy, I understand, but see, we're gonna need some kind of slip by tomorrow noting his absence so we won't count him as unexcused. We don't want to mess up his school records even more than it already is, so we? Heh...h-horrible joke, sorry. So, uh, yeah, bring that slip on over and tell the boy that we look forwards to seeing him return. Unless he deliberately skipped school, of course. If that's the case, he's probably getting expelled. Board of educations rules, not mine. Bye."

"Ollie skipped school?" her youngest one asked with a tantalizing smile as she bit her nail. She looked up the stairs once again.


Ollie didn't skip. No matter how much of a troublemaker he could be, he would never do such a thing. She tried her hardest not to jump to conclusions. Maybe the system made a mistake while filing the attendance sheets? That happened, right? Of course, it did, it happened to Pyper when she was in the first grade. That was okay, nobody was perfect. Just to be safe and sure, she wanted to hear from Ollie's part as well. And maybe his friends. a confirmation from them would calm her nerves.

"C'mon, Pype, have a little faith in your brother!" June weakly laughed her worries off as she rested a hand on Pyper's shoulders. "Do me a favor and go get him, he's probably taking a nap, alright?"

The 11-year-old didn't hesitate, running up the stairs at the speed of light. Her mom was a good-hearted person and always gave the benefit of the doubt, but she knew better. hauling ass from school was exactly the kind of thing that Ollie would do. She didn't care so much about that part since it was understandable, the stories she heard about the middle school were extremely boring. Who could blame him for wanting to skip a day? See, what she was eager for was to see the kind of excuse Ollie would try to use to bring himself out of this. If her predictions were right, he was going to say something stupid, and it was going to make her entire day.

His door was closed. Weird, privacy was a thing he never a thing he showcased since he was a pretty open person.

Sometimes, too open.

Then again, he really could be sleeping, and simply wanted to cancel out any noise in the house. He woke up as a grouchy bitch if his surroundings weren't relaxed enough.

Funny how screaming at him to wake up was going to be their first greeting in about two days. She just had to wonder though, where had he been?

"Big bro, Mom wants you!" she yelled, swinging open the door as she turned on the lights. She looked at the bed, expecting to see her pissed off brother throwing a bitch fit.

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