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"I'm hungry."

Pyper's small complaint butchered the extra thicc silence in the living room as the siblings watched TV. It was barely audible due to the low volume, but they didn't really mind. Their mother was really exhausted today, deciding to close up the shop early when she couldn't handle it anymore. She had gone in her room an hour ago, so they could only assume that she had fallen asleep. Waking her up would be cruel.

Since their mom was out of commission, that naturally left him in charge, right? Pyper was clearly too young to care for herself properly. At the complaint, he figured that he would have to be the one to make dinner since there was no way he's letting her go anywhere near a stove. He had barely any knowledge about cooking, and the last time he did, he turned nearly everyone in town into dogs... but there was no harm in trying again. Shouldn't be too much work, it was just him and Pyper.

"No problem, Pype!" Ollie declared as he hopped off the couch, placing his hands on his hips. "I'll fix us something up!"

"You?!" Pyper's first reaction was one of dread and skepticism. "No thank you. CW told me about the hot-dog incident-"

"That happened months ago, I've learned my lesson!" Ollie assured boldly. "I should've known that most food from the Monsterverse wasn't safe to eat."

"Most? You know what, t-that's okay, I think I'll just eat some Oreos or something," Pyper politely reclined. No offense to her brother, but she really didn't want to die.

"No, I insist," Ollie persisted, shoving the girl back to the couch."I'll do things right this time, I promise. I won't use anything from the pack, I'll even give it to CW. And we'll have anything you want."

He instantly regretted saying such a thing, but he knew that it would be the only way to get Pyper to relax about the idea. She was never too fond on giving people second chances. Thankfully, it worked, her uncertainty leaving her voice.

"You mean that?"

" Of course..."

"Can I help you?"

Could she? She did have an easy-bake oven when she was three, and the results of the dishes she would make weren't always the best. He should know, he had been a victim of being forced to eat the handcrafted treats. But she was older now, so maybe things would work out for the best if he allowed her to assist him.

"Hmm... I guess so. Yeah." Ollie nodded with a smile. "Go get that book full of recipes Mom gave you and choose something." He instructed. It would give him enough time to get all of the utensils that he might need.

*Um time skip because I'm tired and don't feel like writing all of those details*

"You know how to work a stove, Oll?"

"I'm 13, of course I know how to work a stove. A little." came Ollie's confident response as he stood in front of the oven, his brows knitted in concentration. "I'll figure it out, don't worry. Just focus on picking something."

Pyper silently scoffed, but left the topic alone. Her older brother was always stubborn when he was committed to doing something. She'd give him ten minutes, then take over if he was still clueless on what to do. She did as he asked, sitting on the counter as she flipped through the book.

Ollie had seen his mother effortlessly work this thing several times in his life. He never payed any attention on which numbers she set for each knob. Even if he tried, it would be near impossible since she did it so quickly. God, and that was just the matter for heating it; turning it on was a completely different story.

"You look awfully confused for someone who claimed they knew how to work a stove," Pyper broke his train of focus, one leg crossed over the other.

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