The Lady (Pt 3)

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Two updates in a week, wow. I haven't done anything like this in a while. There's a different version of this chapter, the first version, but I realized that it could be a little too disturbing and gorey and I don't want Wattpad coming after my ass. So here, this is the watered down kinda child-friendly version.

Ngl tho I like writing this series, it's fun.

Thanks, Coraline, for messing me up and making me into an even darker person.

The redhead rested unconsciously on her queen-sized bed, wrapped in the velvet red sheets that had comforted her time and time again. A stream of crimson blood ran from the right side of his nose, stopping at the edge of his upper lip. A decent sized bruise made itself home smack in the middle of his forehead, and it was sure to leave an ache when he awakens. When she thought about it, this was somewhat her fault. Tackling Ollie when he was close to the door probably wasn't a very good idea. She often forgot how fragile humans could be, seeing as she only managed to lure some in here every few months. She'd keep that tip in mind for the next time that Ollie tried to run away.

She had to deal with the bruise for now.

And the nosebleed. That was bad too. The kid had lost enough blood today. Didn't these things die if they lost too much?

She shoved two cotton balls- she found them conveniently placed in her dresser- and shoved them up to his nose. There! That should take care of it. If his nose was broken, then it wasn't doing much except for stopping the bleeding... somewhat. But that could all be resolved later. Now for the bruise.

But... the problem.

To get some ice, she'd have to go into the kitchen. And that meant leaving Ollie by himself. What if he woke up and tried to make a run for it? He could be faking this even, and hop right back up as soon as she left the room. She just didn't trust him enough to leave him unsupervised, no matter how much she loved him. Grabbing Ollie by the arms and lifting him up, she slung him over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes and held an arm over him firmly. She then began to make her way to the kitchen.

It was a shame she had to knock him out. She didn't want to do it, god no, but it was either that or watch her baby go out into the dangers of the world.

Sometimes you have to hurt the ones you love.

He was safer here. She knew it. Being a Chosen One was much too hazardous for a young boy his age. If the earth needed protection so badly from the multiverse, then they could find somebody else.

Was his sister in danger too?

The lady had made plans to lure Pyper- as Ollie called her- into her loving home, but a threat for her well-being was something that never crossed her mind. She knew that you couldn't judge a person by one glance- five in her case- but she could tell that the... what, 10, 11? Racking around in Ollie's mind, she couldn't get an exact number. She looked about 11. She could tell that Pyper was independent.

Uncomfortably independent.

Being on her own almost 24/7 couldn't mean anything good. Just because she had closed off the portal to her realm didn't mean that the thousands of other realms in the verse were closed as well. Ollie's backpack was at home... but he wasn't. Anytime, a death seeking monster could crawl out and attack the vulnerable girl.

So she'd bring her here as well. But that was it.  She shouldn't be so greedy. There were other mothers out there who needed young ones to have as well. What she had was good enough.

A girl and a boy, brother, and sister.

When she just couldn't seem to find some ice for the life of her, she settled on a bandage decorated in flowers. A pathetic substitute, but it would have to do for now. At least it made the mark look pretty and fashionable...

Unlike the frown upon his face.

Her hustle in trying to treat his wounds prevented her from getting a good look at him.

She didn't like long faces.

This place was for happy feelings only. Sadness, anger, anything negative, she looked down upon it vigorously. She got rid of any child who showed an ounce of those emotions

She looked at Ollie.

Well, almost every child. 

Why was he so special? Why was she hanging on to him after everything he did? It was just something about him. For one, he looked awfully familiar to somebody she had met in the past. He was a lot more...stubborn and impulsive than the other humans she had captured, to put in simple terms. a way, it was interesting. Most would've either accepted their fate if they misbehaved, or settled in and abided by her rules. They would frown.

And that would be the last face they would ever make.

She didn't want to bring Ollie any more harm, but letting him off scotch free- not to mention how many of his accusations and outburst that she let slide- wouldn't be very fair to the others, would it? It's not like this was the only rule he's broken. He blazed through all of them through breakfast alone.

Don't try to escape.

Never disobey her.

No negativity.

No frowning.

To her, they were very simple rules,  a kindergartener could even follow them with little to no problems at all.

Then...why couldn't Ollie follow them? Not a single one? Was the blame on her part? Did she not explain them clearly enough and he didn't understand? But he could've asked her for help...she wouldn't mind teaching him right from wrong, explaining things to him. It would've made breakfast go a lot smoother.

She didn't have to hurt him.

With another disappointing sigh, she put her hands on her hips. She still couldn't see why he wasn't happy. He was in a place where he could get whatever he wanted with just a snap of his fingers. She made his clothes, gave him food, even an entire bedroom, and his feedback was to yell at her and try to escape.

He broke all of her rules.

Breaking rules was a despicable thing and deserved punishment.

While there weren't too many things she could do to him at the moment for breaking the first three rules, there was something she could do about the fourth one.

His frown.

She could turn it around.

All she needed was a few minutes.

Gently tracing his lips with her finger, she came to her final decision.

She just hoped her sewing skills weren't too rusty.

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