The Lady

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"Good morning, dear..."

She had a voice as silky as velvet, a tone that was sweeter than honey, and a smile that promised him warmth and love. But Ollie knew better now. He knew that it was all a charade, a tactic she used to lure innocent ones in and gain their trust. That's when she showed her true colors. She did it so slowly that even the most paranoid person wouldn't become suspicious of her- a good strategy, he had to admit- but God how shocking it is when you finally put all of the pieces together.

Well, it might not have been shocking for her other victims, the boy rethought that mental statement. Some might've been hurt. Others might've been angry. And maybe, some even felt sadness. As for him? It was a mixture of all four.

He was shocked to see the person behind the mask of smiles and hugs.

He was hurt that somebody who he trusted, somebody who he was starting to warm up to, practically took his heart and crushed it. She was kinda like a second mother to him, of course nowhere close as awesome as his real mother, but...there had always been this warm, safe feeling when he was around her. She gave him food, made him clothes, gave him more fun than he could've never imagined, she even made this entire bedroom for if she had been waiting for him. He hadn't payed that detail any attention upon his first visit, he was exhausted as all hell, but looking back... man, any of that trust was long gone.

He was angry with himself. How could he have been so ignorant? So stupid and blind to the obvious truth? He shouldn't have ever allowed this... monster to talk him into entering the monster realm. He should've went to Captain Wowski about this as soon as he saw the first red flag.The mentor would've been understandably upset, considering the fact that he wasn't supposed to go into the Monsterverse at all, but he would know what to do and tell him what he was dealing with. But no, he didn't do any of the sorts, did he?

He had to find that out for himself.

He was sad when he realized that there was a chance that he could never go home. That he would never see his family ever again. That he was trapped here. What were the last words he said to his mother and sister? Or Bernie and Cleo? Hell, he'd even be happy to talk to Turner if he could. The thought made him cringe with bitterness.

Ollie sat quietly at the kitchen table- which was an exact replica of the one he had at home now that he was taking a good look at it- looking at everything and everywhere except at her. At each turn, each glance, he noticed more and more signs of her being a crazy bitch that he never picked up on before. There was an awful amount of sewing needles on the floor. How come he never felt them? He sometimes walked around the place with just socks, and not once did he feel a prick or a sting. He might've been too far away to see it properly, but it looked as if there were specks of dried, crimson blood on the tips.

That, he figured, was probably how the lady took her victims out if they did too many things that she wasn't fond of. If they spoke to her in a wrong way. He didn't fear the punishment. You can't fear something that you're not going to deal with. He might be a rash thinker, but he knew he had a way with words. If he watched his mouth and used the right words, then he should be in the clear.

Her knives were so sharp, it made him feel uncomfortable just looking at them. What did she use them for? It couldn't be for cooking or serving food, because they never ate anything that required a knife. Or rather, he never. The lady, she never ate anything. She could be eating in private or when he was asleep but it didn't seem likely.

"Come on now, my little pumpkin... being angry isn't a very good way to start your day, is it?"

Did he look angry? He thought his expression was stone cold. Whatever, if he looked angry, then he looked angry. That was better anyway. More threatening if he did say so himself. He still refused to look at her, folding his arms and staring intensely at his shoes. He wasn't going to satisfy her by giving in to her, yelling at her, it was just what she wanted.

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