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Ollie sat in the middle of his bed, trembling in pure fear with his knees to his chest as he stared at the clock. As soon as the long hand hit eight, his day that was once filled with tranquility and fun would be ended with education, books, and nerdy wizard card games. No longer would he have the freedom to waltz into the kitchen and consume the hypercholesterolemia-causing mozzarella sticks that he oh-so loved. His diet would be replaced with... fruits and vegetables. The mere thought of the horrifying change was enough to make him shiver harder.

He would no longer be able to caress his dearly beloved PolyStation, a console of which he considered to be part of his family. They shared so many memories... they laughed together, they cried together, they yelled made a nostalgic tear run down his cheek. If he didn't have his sweetheart in his life, he just wouldn't be the same. Just him,  Pyper, and his mother. Of course, he loved the two to pieces and would take a bullet for them, but he loved the grey, plastic machine with the same amount of vigor. If he lived in a world without it, a huge part of him would be missing. He never thought he would see the day where he would have to place his darling in the unspeakable place, a place that was dark, cold, and downright cruel. However, he had spoken too soon. Today was that day. He glanced at the PolyStation on his bedroom desk, whimpering as he held back the dam of tears that threatened to overflow. It would hurt, oh how it would hurt, saying their final goodbyes. It was for the best, he reminded himself.

It was for the best.

Three minutes left.

The one thing that made him feel better about the entire situation was that he wouldn't be the only one suffering. One of his best friends, 14-year-old Cleo Badette, would also be joining him in the torturous events for the rest of the day. It wasn't selfish, not at all; Cleo willingly agreed to this revolting contract. As soon as she made the promise, Ollie could see the life and color fade from her eyes. She had realized the mistake she had made. Unfortunately, it was too late. The deal had been sealed. At least she had a choice. At least she had a freedom of speech. Ollie wasn't even asked if he wanted to join or not. He was dragged into this...he wished he could've ran away like CW had. The purple mentor hauled ass as soon as everyone looked at him.

Two minutes left.

Ollie swallowed the humongous pill in his throat, letting out a shaky breath. His knees were shaking, his heart was pounding against his ribcage, and his stomach felt awfully sick. He slowly made an effort to crawl out of bed, reluctantly making his way over to his desk. He didn't want to do this, he really didn't...but he knew he had no other choice. If Ollie didn't do it, than...he would, and he didn't want nobody to lay a single finger on his prescious. His trembling fingers wrapped around the PolyStation's power cord, holding it with a firm grip. Low, quiet sobs left the redhead's mouth. He had to hurry, he didn't have much time. But...he would sing one last song before their departure. So the PS could leave peacefully knowing that he still loved her.

"When you feel right...look at yourself..."

He yanked out the cord in one swift motion, a small zap accompanying it. He looked at the vital thing in his hand. The damage had been done. While he knew that there were still other cables that he had to disconnect, it couldn't survive without the main cord. Despite the death, Ollie continued to sing, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Inside your heart, you will find a special place to unwind..."

Squeezing his eyes shut, he continued with his brutal homicide, pulling out the cables one by one.

"When you feel light, look at yourself..."

He picked up the now lifeless console, lovingly holding it to his cheek. "I'm sorry..." Ollie whispered, wrapping his arms around the cold, plastic casing. "I did this... because I love you. I love you so much... I just didn't want to see you suffer. I'm so sorry..."

He then made the solemn trip to his closet, knowing that it was empty. CW decided to hide in his pack until the day blew over. He opened the door before crying harder, becoming overwhelmed with the emotion of abandoning his one, true love. This was the end.

"Inside your mind, you will see... cosmic eternity..."

He gently placed the PolyStation in the closet before quickly shutting it. There. The hardest part was taken care of. He looked at the clock once more with blurry vision.

One minute left.

Feeling weak, tired, and exhausted, Ollie slumped to the floor. There was a crack, and he had trouble debating on whether it came from the floor or his ass, which was suddenly numb. He would wait. He would wait patiently for his inevitable fate. What else could he do? Running would only make him a coward, which was exactly the opposite of what he was. If he could handle taking care of a few monsters every day, then he could handle this. The clock was ticking down. At any moment, they would come.

And he was okay with that. He has accepted it.


"IT'S BERNIE DAY!" his tiny, tan-skinned friend hollored upon entering his room, dragging along a less-than-excited Cleo. In Bernie's arms were dozens of old people board games, such as Bingo, Go fish, monopoly, and uno-well, those two are okay-, all ready to be played. Bernie jumped up and down with excitement, giving Cleo the stuff so he could pull Ollie into a sitting position. "This is gonna be fun, huh guys?!"

"Oh yes, I am brimming with joy." Cleo mumbled with a weak fist pump into the air.

With a smile, Ollie nodded. "Yeah, Bern. It's gonna be a blast."

And with that, the events began.

I have absolutely no idea how this idea came to mind to be honest. Oops. I was gonna add Pyper in this and have her freaking out as well, but it doesn't really seem like her to do so.

But hey, look at this! Under 2000 words this time!

That probably won't last long.

Alright, I'm finished. So, I'll see you people later...or next week, whenever I write in this again I guess.

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