Sploosh Mountain

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I was inspired by a great oneshot book to do this. I was originally going to put this on AO3, but figured it would be easier to publish it here instead since I don't quite have the gist of things on there yet. This is all I have for now, but I'll work on it more when I come back from school tomorrow.

Also um Ivy might be a little OOC because I got carried away. Just a bit. Not even noticeable.

And to be honest, it doesn't really matter. She was only in one episode, how much character could she possibly have. But if she ever comes off as diva-ish in this, that was not my intention. I thought about some of the people everybody hates in school, and I put some of their characteristics into hers. Total mistake.

Also, hey. I'm off break. Yay.


After a long, grueling, 180 days of being fed mind-numbing information, summertime has finally rolled around for the darling students at Portshill Jr. High. No longer would they have to sit in hard, wooden desks and suffer from a butt with pins and needles. No longer would they be at a high risk of scoliosis of hauling inhumanly heavy backpacks on their shoulders. No longer they would have to have anxiety attacks about failing final exams and deal with the possibility of getting left behind. If you've seen the type of students that were in Ollie's class, then you better believe that next year's homeroom was going to be ten times shorter. Even Ollie himself feared dealing with Mrs. Morris again, because god damn that woman couldn't teach if her life depended on it. But you know what? He didn't care anymore. Nobody did. Why? It was summer.

Summer was the best thing in the entire world. There was nothing more relieving than knowing that after 25 tiring weeks, all of your hard work would be rewarded with luxury. The sun is so bright and golden that its rays could even pierce through sunglasses. The sweet smell of banana scented sunscreen was just heaven to the senses. And even if banana wasn't your favorite scent, it wasn't like you had any other choice. The local grocery store had no other variety; either get used to bananas or get crisped to a beautiful charcoal color.

And then there was the beach - which, of course, is the best way to spend your summer. Why wouldn't someone want to go to the beach in hot weather? The girls could soak up so much sun that they could practically taste the skin cancer. And the boys could mercilessly throw each other in the water, have chicken fights, drown. You know, the good stuff! The beach was just full of fun activities, and it was certainly a great way to end a school year and kick off summer.

This was why everyone was a little disappointed when it was revealed that the end of the year field trip wouldn't be to Portshill's notoriously beautiful beach, but Sploosh Mountain instead.

Now, don't get them wrong - it's not like they hate waterparks or anything. Oh god no, they loved waterparks more than they loved themselves! And yes, a waterpark had the same attributes as a beach...but it felt a bit tame as an end of the year field trip, didn't it? Despite their uncertainty, everyone bit their tongues. They didn't get paid to go to this hellhole every day, did they? If this was the award they were getting for working hard, then they'd take it.

On the last day of school, The buses would arrive at five-thirty in the morning and would leave at eight in the morning, sharp. Yes, it would be a long time, but they were just being careful about avoiding last year's mistakes. Nobody even wanted to think about that field trip; they had to stop at five restaurants for breakfast because the cafeteria staff was late, they had to turn the bus around midway when Magna found out that he had left five students behind, and the bus broke down, leaving the vice-principal with a disorderly, restless group of kids for 40 minutes straight. So yeah, they needed those three hours for sure.

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