The Lady (Pt. 5)

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Swarms of polices surrounded the store, their sirens alerting bystanders and neighbors and encouraging them to stand outside to see what this was about. Crime rates in Portshill were never high, so seeing this much of a commotion- at Allen's residence nevertheless- was extremely alarming.  Was somebody murdered? Had a fire broken out? Perhaps a gas leak? To all of the neighbors, June could assure them that the forces weren't here because of a crime. 

Nope, try a missing child.

Officers, investigators, and other people that Pyper just didn't know the name of, crowded inside of their living room. They were throwing question after question at the worried mother, a man in the corner being sure not to miss a single word of her answer as he scribbled them down on a notepad. If she could, Pyper would stay, she could help them find her brother before sunrise. June just wouldn't hear any of it, sending her to her room without even reasoning with her. "You're too young." was how she worded it as. It took a lot of strength not to catch a quick with her mother at that moment, the pitiful excuse that she had heard thousands of times upsetting her. She understood why her mother was doing this, and why the phrase might've been wrong worded. Nobody could think straight at a moment like this, no matter how laid back your mindset was. Still, it didn't stop her from feeling mad. She was his sister. She had every right to be a part of this as far as she was concerned. Who cares that it would be dangerous or hard? She dealt with monsters twice her height as a part-time job.

Wowski and Pyper sat quietly in Ollie's room, the air filled with fright. She sat on her brother's bed, playing with his treasured Wall-Ball, while Wowski sat on the windowpane. Both were thinking of ways to help discreetly, trying to think about the places he could've gone.

Nothing came up.

Not a single place in town did Ollie go to on a daily basis. The teenager never went out much unless he was close to dying from boredom. He did go to his friends' houses, and sometimes...

"Did we check the shed?"

Wowski looked up at Pyper's hopefully tone. She bounced the red ball against the floor, catching it again and again with satisfying timing as she thought. "Sometimes, when Ollie wants to be alone or take a nap, he goes to the shed. Maybe he's just hiding around?"

She knew it was bogus as soon as she said it. Ollie would've heard the sirens and chatter of concerned bystanders and stopped hiding. He was reckless, and he loved a good prank, but he would never go as far as to make people worry about him for no reason. He knew when enough was enough.

"That doesn't seem like something that Ollie would do..."

"I know..." she mumbled, throwing the ball at the wall with a deep, frustrated sigh. "Just a stupid guess. What about you?"

"Uh...what about me?"

"Where do you think he went?"

"Pype, I'm just as clueless as you are. I really wished I knew, but...I got nothing." Wowski answered truthfully, no matter how grim it was.

That led them right back to square one.

Well, it's not like they were making much progress in the first place.

She looked past CW and out of the window; it was getting darker now, which only made her worry more. if the police were going to do a search, they better do it soon. The night was a horrible time for someone to be missing, notably a 13-year-old.

She was going with them. She didn't care if shed miss sleep or a day of school, she didn't care about the consequences, she was going.

"Ollie's a smart kid when the time calls, Pype," Wowski reassured in a friendly tone, picking up on her negative aroura. "He knows how to hide when he needs to. He's fast. And he surely knows how to defend himself with those fists...and if things come to it, the pack."

She wanted to believe that. Desperately, oh so desperately. But with how things were looking, she found it hard to keep her head up and push back her worries. She just couldn't do it.

"I hope so, CW. I really hope so."

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