high dancing

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max and mike stumbled into the redheads home. they didn't have to worry about getting in trouble because her parents weren't home. her step dad hadn't been home in a long time (she suspected he left and wouldn't be surprised if that was the case) and her mom had taken a trip to meet with her actual dad. max could've come with her but she chose not to because she didn't really want to see her real dad and she didn't want to miss too much time out of school or without the party. sure, she wasn't using her time very wisely but there was no one to stop her since mike engaged in the same behaviors a majority of the time. they had just gotten back from the arcade, where they had played games for a while before sitting outside of it and smoking weed until they got high. they were still partly coherent and sane so they wouldn't do anything too ridiculously dangerous but they were definitely high enough to where they wouldn't hold back their thoughts or feelings. they liked each other and this night they would both find that out, it was only the question of "would they remember when they woke up?" max was a lot more energetic and fun when high, she wasn't so cold and sarcastic and mike always enjoyed seeing that side of her. he also was a lot more laid back when high and max enjoyed that side of him too. no one saw those sides of them except each other. once max had shut the door behind them she went into her room to put on some music. she had struggled for a moment to pick a cassette and put it into the cassette player but eventually got it in and skipped to song three, disco. it was an upbeat song that always made her wanna dance and one she had been wanting to play for a long time but never got to. she turned the volume way up and headed back into the living room, walking with a dancing type motion as she got to the couch where mike had settled himself. as she got to him she immediately grabbed his hands and attempted to pull him up, but to no avail. he let out a hearty laugh at her failed attempt and stood up so she wouldn't have to make him. "let's dance frog face," she said as she then moved to stand behind the couch, twirling a couple times on the way there. "way ahead of you red," he replied as he moved to stand in front of her, grabbing one of her hands and spinning her, causing her to laugh. once she stopped spinning he caught her then backed up as he did a goofy dance move that made her laugh more. they paraded through the living room for the whole of the song, just doing random things and having fun with each other. towards the end of the song they both had become out of breath and stopped right in front of one another. max looked up at the boy who had grown into quite a handsome young man only to have his eyes meet hers. eye contact made her nervous so she quickly looked back down before letting out a breath and plopping onto the couch. mike plopped down next to her as she next song started playing, a slower song. as max let out another exhausted breath mike looked over at her and smiled. when she looked over at him she noticed him smiling and felt herself flush a little before she stood up. "you should probably head home," she told him. she didn't want him to go but she also did because she was starting to feel nervous in his presence. mike stood up also and moved to stand in front of her, taking one of her hands in his and placing the other on her waist. "let's slow dance first," he said quietly. "i'm tired," she argued back. "slow dancing doesn't take much energy," he said back pointedly as he started making them sway back and forth a little in time with the music. max let out a soft groan but didn't argue with him as she let him lead their slow dance. they made their way around the room a couple times before the end of the song neared and he stopped them in front of the couch. "okay now i'll go," he said as he gave her a small smile. he turned to leave but she grabbed his arm to stop him which made him turn to face her again. "i don't want you to," she told him honestly. he smiled a little bit and she smiled also. before she could even think through what she was doing she grabbed his face and pulled him down a little so he was level with her before gently kissing him. to her surprise though he didn't push her away, he accepted it and kissed back for the short time she let the kiss continue. once she had pulled away she stared at him in surprise as he gave her a curious expression. "i-i don't know why i did that," she got out after a moment as she directed her gaze to the floor. "don't apologize, i liked it," he replied honestly. she looked back up at him and gave him a look of shock and he only nodded to let her know he was being serious since that was her likely next question. she smiled as she then pushed him onto the couch before crawling on top of him and connecting their lips again, except this time a little more passionately. what started as a fun little dance turned into much more. in the morning the red headed girl woke up with pale freckled arms wrapped around her waist and a face nuzzled in her neck.


idk if this has a good ending cause i was planning to continue it and write more but decided not to lmao- but anyways here's another chapter. i'll try to update more often. also i couldn't think of a good title for this lmao

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