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pretend this is during prom- also warning there is heavy cursing (ig) in this one 

"stop staring at my girlfriend mike," lucas warned for about the millionth time that night. but mike couldn't help it, el wasn't there so max was the only girl he was around and because of that he had to look at her sometimes. but he knew what lucas meant, he shouldn't be looking at max for as long as he was. but again, he couldn't help it. 

tonight, for the first time, he was finally noticing how pretty max actually was. especially in a dress. he couldn't help but to awe at her, especially since max rarely wore dresses. this was the first time she had worn one as far as he knew. max had been expecting this if she were to be honest but several times already she had pinched mike harshly on the arm, her way of telling him to stop staring so much too, since lucas' warnings never really worked. 

lucas told them he was going to use the restroom before heading off, leaving the two of them alone since dustin had chose not to come since he wouldn't have been able to bring suzie. max was about to pinch mike again for staring when he caught her before she could, grabbing her wrist firmly and holding her arm up. she let out a small gasp before narrowing her eyes at him, fighting against his hold. she was about to use her other hand to help her when he grabbed that one also and forced both of her hands behind her back a little. 

max never really took mike for being strong so this surprised her a little but mostly just made her mad, she didn't like when she didn't have the upper hand. especially with mike wheeler. "let go of me wheeler," she hissed as she continued struggling, she wouldn't give up that easily. "stop fighting and i will," he said back, his way of basically getting her to admit to defeat so he could have some sense of pride. 

max shook her head as she started struggling more, only stopping when mike brought his face close to hers. close enough for her to feel his breath, close enough for him to kiss her if he wanted. it was far too close for comfort and it scared her. but it also made her nervous as she felt her heart start pounding a hundred miles an hour, her breath hitch and her cheeks flush ever so slightly. mike smiled a little at the fact he had gotten her to stop fighting by taking her off guard. 

"good girl," he said quietly, almost in a purr as he was about to let go of her but she spoke up in defense before he did, "don't try to dominate (please this word makes it sound sexual- i wanted another word but couldn't think of it 😭) me." "i'll dominate you if i want to, max," mike replied as his hold on her wrists tightened again. she let out a huff as she tried to get away from him again before he brought himself close to her again, letting his lips almost graze hers as he said, "at this point i think you want me to kiss you." 

"you're insane mike, what the hell has gotten into you?" she spat back, moving her head back a little so their faces weren't so close. "you tell me," he said back simply. "i say you've suddenly got a thing for me," she replied with a huff. "maybe so," he hummed before leaning forward again and pressing his lips against hers for a soft kiss. 

max let out a gasp and started to kiss back before common sense came back to her and she kneed him in the groin, causing him to fall to the ground and let go of her wrists. "ow what the fuck?" he asked angrily. she looked down at him for a moment, a scared look on her face of what had just happened before she took off. 

when lucas came back mike was just standing up, obviously in pain. "where did max go?" lucas asked, a hint of suspicion in his tone as he eyed mike and how he was seeming suddenly protective of his privates. "uh... i don't know, she just took off," he replied sheepishly, it wasn't a lie. he wasn't sure where she had gone. "did you do something?" lucas then asked accusingly as he crossed his arms and looked around a little, obviously looking for max. 

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