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mike chased after max and out into the hallway, wanting to get his notebook back since she had decided to take it from him at the end of class to annoy him. he decided he would call her by her full first name, thinking that would phase her enough to accidentally drop the notebook or something. "maxine!" he hissed as he got near her. max turned around and looked at him, pausing for a second, what he had done having apparently some affect on her. 

but not the kind of affect he had expected. no one had ever called max by her full name except her step father or billy. she hated whenever someone called her that. but yet, for some reason, she didn't hate it when it came from mike's mouth. she thought maybe it was just because he had never said it before and she just needed to process it instead before she determined she hated it but she didn't think that was the case. 

"say that again," she said to him, not in a demanding tone, in a soft tone. mike furrowed his eyebrows a little but said her name again anyways, not even understanding him why he had followed her request so easily, "maxine." he said it softer that time, almost in a husky tone since he was trying to catch his breath from the running he had done to catch up with her. he found it easier to say her name than he thought. he had never said it before but for some reason it didn't feel foreign on his tongue. 

max was in awe, not able to understand and wrap her head around the fact that him saying her name didn't bother her and instead, turned her on. though of course they way he had said it was part of the reason why it made her feel that way. nevertheless, she thought she was losing her mind, how could anything mike wheeler do turn her on?! she hated it so much. 

"are you gonna give it back or not?" mike then asked, snapping her out of her confusing thoughts. she looked up at him and took a moment to notice how much taller he was than her. he looked down at her, giving her an impatient, warning type of look and she found it slightly intimidating but also hot. "nope," she said after a moment as she smirked at him, waving it in front of his face before turning and trying to rush off again. 

but before she could get very far he grabbed her by her hips and pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her waist to prevent her from escaping. "hey!" she exclaimed angrily though she wasn't at all upset about what he had done. his touch felt nice and comforting, to her surprise. "give it back and i'll let you go," he said to her simply. max let out a sigh as she held up her arm for him to take the notebook back. he grabbed it and let her go as he said sarcastically, "thanks." 

he shook his head as he then walked back the other way, heading to his next class. max wouldn't give up so easily though as she followed after him and grabbed it out of his hands as he was walking. this was a game she was enjoying. he whirled around quickly and growled, "max!" she laughed in amusement as she rushed off towards the bathrooms, planning to go into the girls one so he couldn't follow after her. 

he chased after her until she got there and stood a little bit inside the restroom with a victorious grin. "i win," she said smugly as she taunted him by waving the notebook around a little. "i didn't know this was a contest," he said back. "it is and i won the prize," she said back with a laugh. "don't think that so quickly," he warned before he charged into the bathroom quickly to make sure no one saw him do so. "woah! daredevil much!" she exclaimed as he pushed her against the wall and looked down at her with warnings in his eyes. 

she felt like a wolf's prey and he was the wolf. the killer look in his eyes and his panting made her feel quite uneasy and she was about to hand him the notebook and surrender when he muttered, "and i've caught a better prize." before she could ask him what he was talking about he kissed her. she was in shock and dropped the notebook, it thudding onto the floor as her hands remained limp at her sides. 

after a moment she found herself melting into it and kissing him back, which he took as a sign to kiss her more passionately. when he did she moved her hands up to his curly raven locks and swirled her fingers around in his softer than expected hair. after a minute he pulled away and she found herself wishing he hadn't. 

he gave her a gentle look and muttered embarrassedly as his cheeks turned a bright red, "sorry, i-i don't know what overcame me." max furrowed her eyebrows, confused now. had he meant the kiss or was it just a heat of the moment thing? she continued to play with his hair, hoping that would make him less willing to leave. "mike, do you like me?" she asked him, now curious because of what he had done. 

mike struggled for an answer for a moment and she grew impatient, wanting a clear answer from him. "mike!" she scolded when he was mumbling over himself. "yes! i do! but i don't know why," he said back, almost in surrender. "do you have to know why?" she asked him as she brought one hand down and then starting tracing circles on his chest. 

"no but i want to understand why i like you," he said back. "hmm, i do too. we'll figure it out eventually," she told him comfortingly. he nodded at her and she then used her hand on his neck to pull him down a little as she leaned forward and kissed him, she wanted so much more and didn't want to pull her lips or body way from him anytime soon. 


here is another! also do you guys think where i break up the writing is good or if they should be longer/shorter parts? idk if that makes sense but if it does please give me feedback. anyways i hope you liked this one :) maybe i'll write a sequel for it if i can think of one 

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