you're my mess

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max woke up and blew her hair out of her face as she looked over to see her beautiful boyfriend, mike wheeler. 

he was the last thing she expected. 

a plot twist. 

yet she was glad he was hers. 

she stayed silent as she watched him sleep peacefully, admiring his sleeping face, his relaxed face.

then for some reason, unknown to her, she started crying. at first silently but then the tears came down in constant streaks and she had trouble breathing so she started to sob loudly. mike stirred at the sounds and opened his eyes to see her crying. "max? what's wrong baby?" he asked worriedly as he placed a hand on her shoulder. 

max looked at him and met his eyes and she shrugged. "i don't know..." she muttered between sobs, her crying seemingly uncontrollable then. mike shifted and pulled her closer to him as he brought her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her as he placed his chin on top of her head. he rubbed her back in order to try and calm her down a little bit. 

after a few moments she calmed down enough and she pulled back and looked at him before putting her forehead to his. "i love you mike. i'm sorry i'm such a mess," she said quietly. 

he played with her hair as he replied, "i love you too max. it's okay, you're my mess. and i'll always be here for you." she smiled and they remained there with their heads together for a bit, enjoying each other's company in silence.


here's a short cute one for you! i'll get a longer one out later 

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