shut up (times 3)

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max opened her eyes slowly and felt an arm wrapped around her waist. she was afraid of waking up whoever it was but wanted to move to see who it was because frankly she had no idea. she had no memory of sleeping with anyone. she thought hard for a moment but nothing came to her. she slowly and quietly readjusted in the person's arm as she turned over to see who it was. she knew who it was as soon as she saw his head of wavy and messy pitch black hair.

then it all came back flooding to her, they were at a party and she and him had stumbled into an empty room together. she didn't know what they did or didn't do though. did they make out? have sex? she wasn't sure. she wasn't naked though and all her clothes were still on so they must not have had sex which was a huge relief to her.

as she stared at the boy in front of her she found herself admiring him and didn't stop herself from doing so. she was tempted to reach out and stroke the side of his face to wake him up but decided she would let him wake up on his own. they needed to discuss this, them.

after a little while when he still hadn't woke up she got impatient so she placed a hand on the  shoulder of the arm that he still had on her waist and shook it to wake him up. "mike!" she hissed quietly. after a moment his eyes fluttered open and he squinted as he looked at her. "mhm?" he questioned groggily. "wake up," she said to him. he nodded and took a moment to fully wake up.

once he did he noticed his arm around her waist and moved it off. "max?" he asked questionably, obviously confused as to why he woke up to see her in the same bed as him. "the party last night? remember? we got drunk and did some things in here," she explained. he furrowed his eyebrows at her, "what kind of things?"

"i don't know. i don't think we had sex though at least," she said back with a shrug. he let out a sigh then scoffed, "yeah i think i would have remembered if we did." she hit him on the shoulder, "hey!" "mike! now's not the time for joking," she scolded. "why not? like i can make a joke of your hair right now with how awful it looks," he said back with a light smirk. 

"shut up," max growled lightly. "make me madmax," mike challenged, almost in a taunting way. max narrowed her eyes at him then rolled her eyes. she didn't say anything as she climbed on top of him and cupped his face, kissing him softly. he gently kissed her back as he sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist as he did so. she wrapped her legs around his waist to prevent herself from falling. 

when they pulled away max muttered some curses to herself. "what did we just do?" she asked in shock. "i don't know but i liked it," mike said back honestly with a sly smile. "wipe that stupid grin off your face," she muttered to him as she made no effort to get off him. mike grinned more as he replied, "wipe it off for me." "we're not doing that again!" she exclaimed at him. 

he rose an eyebrow, "why not? no one is stopping us." "because! it's insane. you're michael wheeler. you're supposed to hate me and i'm supposed to hate you! we're not supposed to be kissing!" she exclaimed. "well one: if you didn't want it to continue you would have got off me by now. two: no one is telling us to do anything. we can choose to not hate each other anymore," he said back simply. 

max let out a heavy sigh as she shook her head but smiled nonetheless. "so? what do you say?" mike then asked with a smile. "shut up again," max stated before she kissed him yet again, more passionately this time. he made his grip around her waist tighter. they kissed for a while until they both pulled away breathlessly. 

"you're a good kisser wheeler," she commented. "you're not too bad yourself mayfield," he said back with a smirk. she rolled her eyes then climed off him and climbed back into the bed, burying herself under the covers. "so what? you just gonna stay here all day?" he asked her playfully. "no. we are gonna stay here all day," she corrected as she pulled him down to make him lay down next to her. he let her do so and once he was laying down he wrapped an arm around her. he kissed the back of her head. "fine by me," he said softly. 

max realized how vulnerable he was in that moment simply by the tone of his voice. she decided to take advantage of it and asked, "mike? do you actually like me or are you just messing with my heart?" at the question he started running his free hand through her hair. "max," he started but paused, as if thinking to try and find the right words. 

max got curious and turned over to face him. he tucked her hair behind her ears. she gave him a look signaling she was waiting for an answer. "i love you," he said gently to her. max blinked in surprise. that had been the last thing she expected to hear come out of his mouth. "you've got to be joking, right?" she asked in shock. mike shook his head. "i love you max, truly," he said again and she could tell he meant it. 

"since when?" she then asked curiously. mike sighed as he thought for a moment then shrugged, "i don't know. maybe for a couple months." max gaped only at him. "shut your mouth before i'm tempted to kiss you again," he commented teasingly. max did close her mouth then said as she brought a hand up to start trading circles on his chest, "i think i love you too mike."

mike smiled at her response softly as he leaned down a little to press his forehead against hers. she let him as she closed her eyes, letting out a small relaxed breath. they stayed there like that, neither one of them wanting to move at all and enjoying the moment. you didn't always need words to communicate. sometimes just touch was enough. 


sorry it's been a minute since i updated, i've been busy with school and my new kitten. but here's this. it's dumb but i needed to get something out. i hope you enjoyed it. happy stranger things day btw!!!! 

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