almost caught

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max came into the house, rushing a bit and out of breath. "sorry i'm late guys, got held up by my step dad of course," she said as she plopped down onto the couch and kicked her shoes off and then put her feet on the coffee table. she got a few suspicious stares but no one said anything. 

after a moment el asked, "where's mike?" max almost choked on air at the mention of mike and it took her a moment to catch her breath. "mike? why would i know? he's probably at the arcade or something," she replied with a shrug and a roll of her eyes as she then crossed her arms. 

el nodded slowly as mike then came through the door, in the same fashion max had moments earlier. everyone looked to him, obviously wanting an explanation. "hey... sorry i'm late," he said at first and his eyes met max's and she silently and barely shook her head at him as if telling him no. it was so small of a gesture that no one noticed it. she then also motioned to her neck as if telling him there was something on his. this also went unnoticed. 

mike quickly brought a hand up to his neck and pretended to rub it because of an itch. max then diverted her attention to everyone watching him. "why were you late?" el asked as she stood up and walked to stand in front of mike. "why was i- ohhhh... well i couldn't convince my mom to let me leave today," he said and it was obvious he was lying. 

max facepalmed and when she looked up she blew some of her hair out of her face in boredom as she brought a hand to her chin and tapped impatiently. "why?" el asked again as she gave him a suspicious look, a look similar to the one she gave him before she dumped him the year previous. 

"i just told you why," he said as he gave her a nervous look. "you lie," she said with a hint of anger in her voice. max decided to cut in since mike wasn't going to be able to help himself. she stood up and said to mike, "mike just tell them you were at the damn arcade." mike looked over at her then laughed as he rubbed his neck again, this time out of nervousness. 

el then turned to face max, "how do you know that?" max already had everything planned out, her lies that everyone always believed, because over the years of having to deal with billy and neil she had learned to lie well. 

"i was at the arcade earlier today playing dig dug and i noticed mike was there too. when i headed home i noticed he hadn't left so i figured that why he was late was probably because he didn't leave the arcade until like ten minutes ago," she lied easily. el nodded slowly as she seemed to fall for it and she sat back down. max noticed mike sigh in relief and she knew he was silently thanking her for saving his sorry ass.

but not everyone bought it.

a little later when max left the room for a moment lucas came out and joined her. "what's going on?" he asked her fiercely. "what do you mean?" max asked back at him as she gave him a fake confused look. "i don't believe what you said earlier about mike being at the arcade," he said simply. 

"and why not?" she asked him with a bored look, a look that screamed 'we don't need to have this conversation'. "because it was obvious you were helping him with a lie to make up as to why he was late because it was so obvious that he was lying with his answer," he said back. 

"he lied because he didn't want you guys to know that he was late because of some video games. he thought if you guys knew that you'd think he was a bad friend or addicted to games," she explained back with another bored look like that answer should of been obvious. "and how do you know that?" lucas then asked back with a suspicious look.

"he told me to make up a lie for him at the arcade because he saw me. i just didn't include that part," she explained again, hoping now that her lies would work as things weren't starting to line up anymore. lucas gave her a long stare as if studying her expression would help him tell if she was lying. as he did she crossed her arms at him and continued to give him a bored, annoyed look; a look she was known for. 

lucas eventually sighed as he nodded and decided to drop it for the time being, going back out to join the group. once he left her alone she let out a sigh of relief and through the kitchen doorway she tried to grab mike's attention without the others noticing. luckily for her she was able to and mike met her in the kitchen. 

"yeah?" he asked curiously as he looked down at her. "mike~your neck, you need to cover it up better. they could of saw it earlier!" she scolded. "well it's not my fault you decided to give me one!" he said back, referring to a hickey. "i know! and i'm sorry. i wasn't really thinking when i did it!" she exclaimed back in exasperation. "that's obvious," he scoffed as he crossed his arms. 

she gave him a sad look, "mike can we learn to stop arguing so much? i hate that whenever we disagree on something we argue instead of trying to talk it out." mike nodded as he returned the sad look and uncrossed his arms. "yeah you're right. let's work on that, alright max?" he replied sincerely. max nodded as she smiled a little. 

"now..." he started, gaining her curiosity as he smirked. max rose an eyebrow at him curiously. "it's my turn to give you one," he said seductively as he inched closer to her. she backed up but ended up against the island in the middle of the kitchen. "mike, not here. they're gonna catch us!" she warned in a panicked whisper. 

but mike didn't care as he slinked his arms around her waist and started passionately kissing her neck. she was enjoying it too much to argue with him anymore or even care about their friends being ten feet away in the room next door. when he started to give her a love bite she gasped and he then kissed her on the lips as he muttered against her mouth, "shh no loud noises." 

"well you're making that impossible wheeler," she whispered back breathily as she pulled away from his lips and looked at him. "no. you just have to control yourself," he said with a smirk. she rose an eyebrow at him, "me? you're the one not controlling yourself, getting all over me here." she scoffed and let out a quiet laugh. 

mike rolled his eyes playfully as he said back, "but you're not complaining." "mhm," she hummed in response simply, unsure of what else to say as he returned to kissing her neck. he proceeded with giving her a love bite and she had to bite her lip to prevent herself from moaning. 

mike noticed this and stopped for a moment to whisper in her ear, "moan for me madmax." "try harder michael," she said back, knowing that her calling him his full first name would drive him to do as she said since he hated being called his full name. she knew she was right when she felt him bite and kiss more passionately. 

after a few moments she couldn't take it anymore and let out a quiet moan. once she did he pulled away and pressed a finger to her mouth as he said with a devilish smile, "shh." she narrowed her eyes at him as he then removed his finger from her lips and kissed her passionately. 

once he did she brought her hands up to his thick black locks and gripped onto them. a few minutes later they both pulled away, deciding mutually that they've done enough. "go out the back exit and pretend you're coming back from the bathroom," mike told her, his plan to make it look like they hadn't done anything together. 

she nodded and gave him a smirk before heading out that way. once she did he let out a sigh. he then headed back into the living room with the others. "what took so long wheeler?" lucas asked with his eyebrows raised suggestively. mike scoffed and rolled his eyes at him, "i was enjoying some snacks." 

"you mean ma-" lucas started but before he could finish his sentence max came back into the room also, fiddling with her hair. mike let out a sigh of relief internally. lucas turned his attention to the redheaded girl as he then asked her, "and what took you so long max?" max smiled sweetly as she said, "i was using the restroom, girl stuff." 

that made lucas gag and not question her further which mike thought was brilliant. he caught her eye, unnoticed to everyone else and mouthed, "nice." she smiled in amusement as she then sat down next to el on the floor and mike sat on the couch next to will.


here's a longer one for you :) it's not too bad in terms of how inappropriate it is and all lmao. and it's just a me thing i guess anyways cause for some damn reason the word moan makes me ✨uncomfy✨ so any one shot that has that word even once i think is too inappropriate- help 😭

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