20 dollar bet

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(this takes place in the future when they're both in their twenties) 

after downing her third glass max looked down the bar counter to see all the people that were sitting there also drinking. at the very end sat mike wheeler and he was looking down the line also. their eyes met and max's eyes widened in surprise as mike furrowed his eyebrows. "mike?" she asked though of course he couldn't hear her over the music and chatter of the other guests. 

mike got up and walked over to her as he took the empty seat to the left of her. "yep it's me. you've grown up nicely," he replied since he had been able to read her lips. he smiled a flirtatious smile. max rolled her eyes but couldn't help but to blush slightly. "have you turned into a flirt who looks to sleep with every girl wheeler?" she asked him humorously. she wouldn't doubt if that were the case. 

"nah. only with the pretty girls. which would be you," he said back, obviously trying to get her interested. max rose an eyebrow at him then said, "do you not remember how you hated me?" mike let out a hearty laugh then said, "no, i do. but i don't anymore. you're an absolute beauty and i have not hated you since high school." max blushed again but told herself he was just being nice to try and get her to say yes to sleeping with him. WHICH SHE WOULDN'T DO. or at least that's what she told herself. 

"you're trying too hard. i won't sleep with you wheeler," she scoffed, trying to keep her cool demeanor. "are you sure about that mayfield?" he asked as he eyed her carefully. max leaned her arm on the counter and started moving her straw around in her drink as she gave him a bored look. "yes i'm sure," she replied back simply. "we'll see," he said back with a smirk. "what is this? a bet?" she asked back as she gave him an amused look. "sure. i bet you $20 you'll sleep with me," he said as he grinned. "alright bet," she agreed as she nodded. 

"want another drink?" he then asked her. she shook her head, "no. if i drink anymore it'll make it easier for you to get me to sleep with you." "you still seem to be like your normal self. a few more won't do you no harm," he said back matter of factly. max shook her head, "i said no wheeler." he nodded then shrugged, "alright your call." he then ordered a drink she had never heard of before and when it was placed on the counter she eyed it. 

"what is that? i've never heard of it," she asked, curious. "it's raspberry rum with some rose petals and ginger," he explained back as he took a sip of it. "can i try one?" she asked, no longer caring if she drank anymore. it looked really good and she wouldn't pass up the chance to try a new drink for free with a man paying for her, even if that was michael wheeler. mike smirked and nodded, "of course." he ordered her one and when she got it she immediately tried it. "oh my goodness, it's so good," she said in a satisfied hum. mike smiled and watched her as she then downed the whole thing and ordered another.

4 of those drinks later max was now obviously very drunk, her pretty much unable to speak and speaking mostly nonsense when she did. "hey max," mike cooed from next to her. she looked over to him, "hmm?" "wanna have some fun?" he asked with a raised brow. "what kind of fun?" she asked back curiously. "how about you come with me and find out?" he asked with a smirk. max wavered for a second as her eyes glazed over before she nodded and smiled, "sure." 

he offered her a hand and she took it. he helped her to an empty bedroom and once they got in he locked the door. max plopped onto the bed, sprawling out like a starfish. "this is so cozy!" she exclaimed with a girlish giggle, something she would never be caught doing when sober. mike smiled to himself and shook his head in amusement as he then pulled his shirt over his head, taking it off. once he did and he returned his glance to her he noticed she was sitting up and looking at him, goggling at his body. 

"shit wheeler. i didn't know you were so hot," she muttered, the least confusing thing she had said in the last hour. especially to mike, who had been waiting for her to say something of the sort to him. mike grinned at her as he then climbed onto the bed and came over to her. as soon as he came close to her she returned to laying down. mike then hovered over her as he looked at her lips. they looked so kissable and all he wanted to do was kiss them immediately and never stop. 

max looked up at him expectantly as she then asked, "are you going to kiss me or not wheeler? i'm your willing victim." mike smirked before he then kissed her passionately as he wrapped his arms around her waist underneath her. she let him and she kissed back with just as much passion. her hands went up to his hair and played with his thick black locks, which were no different than they were when they were kids.


max woke up and stretched under the covers then realized she accidentally kicked someone when she heard a groan from next to her. she looked over and realized it was mike. "shit. i owe him 20 dollars," she muttered as she remembered what happened the night before. when she clambered out of bed she realized she was only in her underwear and panicked. "i saw you naked last night. it's not a big deal," she heard mike mumble from the bed as she searched for her clothes. she looked over to see him sitting up and smirking at her. she rolled her eyes but knew he was right. she wouldn't admit it though. 

she gave up on trying to find her clothes and got back on the bed, climbing on top of mike slightly. she looked him in the eyes for a moment before she looked down to his neck and noticed some hickeys he had. "i gave you some love bites?" she questioned, surprised at herself. mike nodded and replied with a seductive laugh, "yeah, while i was fucking you." max rolled her eyes again and pressed her hand to his mouth as she said, "shut up." "make me," he challenged. she gave him a 'are you serious' look but shut him up by kissing him anyways. he smiled against her lips as they made out for a little bit.

once she pulled away she got snuggled back under the covers. "i want to stay here all day," she said as she shut her eyes. she felt mike wrap an arm around her waist and she didn't mind and actually found the warmth of his body comforting. "you can. i won't make you leave," he said back. she smiled then said, "okay." so that's what they did, stayed there all day just enjoyed each other's company which would be surprising to their 13 year old selves. max completely forgot about the 20 dollars she owed him, as did he. it no longer mattered. 


here's another one. this isn't my favorite but oh well. it's something i guess 

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