saving her

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TW: suicide attempt and cursing


mike walked to the cliff by the quarry, wanting to get fresh air. once he arrived though he noticed a familar head of red hair standing right by the edge. she turned around, obviously having heard him approach and wiped her face like she had been crying. it looked like he had interrupted something and it took him a moment to realize just what he had interrupted. she had been about to jump off and end her life.

"what are you doing here?" she asked him, sounding annoyed. her plan was ruined. but maybe not because she knew he wouldn't care if she died. "to get some fresh air. what about you?" he replied even though he already knew the answer.

"what does it look like i'm doing here?" she spat back. "trying to end your life?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. she nodded.

"now leave and let me do it in peace," she demanded. "no i'm not going to leave," he said back stubbornly. he wasn't going to let anyone kill themselves, even if it was someone he hated.

"fine then, i'll just do it while you watch. i'm not going to wait for you to leave," she said harshly. "are you seriously going to put me through seeing that?" he asked in disbelief.

"yeah, i don't care. i hope my dead body gives you nightmares, you deserve it," she shot back. "ouch that hurt," he said as he pretended to get stabbed in the heart. max rolled her eyes and stepped closer to the edge, him being there only made her want to kill herself more.

"don't do it," he then said seriously to her as he took a careful step towards her. she glared at him and took another step towards the edge. "every step you take towards me is another one i take towards the edge. leave," she warned. "so if i don't move any closer you won't jump of the edge?" he questioned.

"i'll still jump, it'll just happen faster if you approach me," she clarified back. mike gave her a confused look and as she took another step, her foot half off the edge when he quickly ran forward, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back a good bit.

she kicked and struggled as he did, yelling, "let me go!" "no," he said back simply as he kept a firm hold around her. he was not going to risk her escaping his grip and running to try and jump off again. she struggled for a bit more until she broke and started sobbing, sinking to the ground.

he sunk to the ground with her, keeping his arms around her still because he didn't trust she wouldn't try anything. he tightened his grip around her and rested his chin on one of her shoulders, trying to comfort her as she cried. "i'm so stupid. why didn't you just let me fucking die?" she said in between sobs as she clung very tightly to his arms around her.

"because i'm not just gonna stand back and let someone take their life. whether i like them or not," he said back to her in a quiet tone. max didn't reply for a moment then just starting saying how she hates her life over and over again.

"shhh shhh, max calm down," he said in a soothing tone. after a bit of cooing and reassuring words max stopped crying. "can you let me go now?" she asked once the only sounds were birds chirping and both of their breaths.

"are you gonna try and jump off again?" he asked back. she shook her head, "no i'm not." he nodded firmly as he stood up, reluctantly letting go of her. he eyed her as he let go, preparing to stop her if she did try to run off the edge.

instead he was surprised when she hugged him tightly, saying, "thank you for saving me." "...of course," he said back in a soft voice as he hugged her back.

in that moment his opinion of her changed. he decided he wouldn't hate her anymore. she didn't deserve it and already seemed to be dealing with so much, he didn't need to add to that. she needed someone to watch out for her and he was going to try and be that person, no matter how much afterwards she acted like this incident never happened.


sorry this is sad but this was the only thing i was willing to publish since all my other drafts are so bad or cringey or because i hate them. i might make this the intro of another madwheeler book someday, idk yet. anyways i hope you enjoyed!

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