Help from a Blacksmith

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Ryan shook his head at Blade as he jumped onto his horse and rode away. "The nerve of that I can see why he's King Blake's son" He muttered under his breath and turned towards Destiny, streching out his hand which she took and stood up. "Are you okay?" She brushed some dirt off herself and looked at him. "I'm fine, thank you" She smiled. " No problem. If you don't mind me asking, what did Blade mean when he said "preparing for the moment we infiltrate your castle again?" She turned her head away and sighed wearily before she spoke. "Blade's been attacking us for the past 5-6 nights in a row for the last 2 two weeks. One night he sent his posse to my palace at 11 o clock . My friend Ace was on the night watch; he ran in the throne room to wake us up when he arrived. When we went to confront them, we couldn't beat them because we were all so tired from the previous nights. Once they beat us down, they head for the village to attack, rob and take citizens prisoner." She paused for a bit and choked back a sob then she looked Ryan in his eyes; the blacksmith saw her eyes glassy with tears just waiting to be released. "We also had more people on the team but they abandoned us... now there's only three of us fending them off and we don't know how to stop them... I don't think we could take anymore attacks..." The blacksmith unconsciously reached out to grab her hand, causing her to jump a little. "Hey, it's okay... there's no need to feel sad." He smiled at her and suddenly had an idea. "You know what, I'll help you take Blade down!" She looked at him blushing slightly but he didn't notice. "Really?" He nodded. "Really" She smiled as she began to cheer up. "Thank you Ryan, my team will be so happy when they hear this!" Then suddenly her video watch rang; when she answered it she saw her friend and teammate Ace " Ace great news I-" The raven eyed boy grunted as his shot another enemy with his laser before answering. " Uh Destiny that's nice but can it wait,we're being attacked again! " Ryan and Destiny widened their eyes in shock. "What!" Destiny exclaimed. "*I didn't know that it was going  to be so soon!*How are you guys holding up!? " He was about to respond when a female's scream cut him off". "Victoria hang on! Get over here as fast as you can!" He shut his watch off . She looked at Ryan and grabbed Ace's sword. "Let's go". Hang on a sec! " He quickly sprinted down the stairs, as he entered the workshop pulled off the sheet revealing the sword he and his dad made. He opened lifted the top and took the sword out. He then grabbed a black and gold sheath out of a cardboard box, slipped the sword in and placed it on his back then sprinted up the stairs to see Destiny waiting by the door. "Ready?" She asked and he nodded in response then they quickly ran out the shop.

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