The Final Battle... Or is it?

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Thirty minutes later, they ran up to the palace door. "This is it" Skye said then turned to Ryan with determination her face. "Let's go rescue your father!" Ryan and Skye pulled open the double doors and they all ran inside. Sprinting down the grand hall, Ryan took the lead and began to look left and right. "Blade's palace is huge, do any of you know where he could be?" Then suddenly Ryan's and Destiny's Calamity Crystals began to glow. "Blade's close, keep going!" Victoria said as they turned the corner and the light got brighter. "In there!" She shouted pointing straight ahead and Ryan rushed ahead and kicked the doors open; revealing Blade standing by his throne holding his sword in one hand and the Ruby Heart in the other. "Well, well look who finally arrived... Blacksmith and his little pals. The heroes ran up to him and he immediately noticed Skye."I'm not even gonna ask you why you're with them. I always knew you we're a spy working with the Mayor". He said while descending the steps of his throne while she looked a little surprised. "How did you-". "Zander told me, he knew that you were in the hall when you were escaping with Destiny, all I have to say to you is watch your back" She narrowed her eyes at him. Ryan pointed his sword in the warrior princes face. " I'm not gonna say this again, where is my father and the other villagers you have as hostages!" Feeling annoyed,Blade smacked the sword out of his face and scowled. "Why should I tell you?! Like I said before you couldn't defeat me or save them no matter how hard you tried!" Ryan gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows. "I will defeat you and prove that I can be so much more than just a blacksmith, just watch me!" Ryan swung his sword at Blade, who blocked the attack; Blade then channeled the ruby heart's energy into himself which made him and the blade of his sword glow bright red. This shocked Ryan but he didn't let it bother him as he attacked once more and their swords clashed, causing sparks to fly and also knocking him a few away from Blade. He skidded and advanced towards him once more but Blade dodged and quickly counterattacked with a kick to his side, sending him flying; Ryan crashed into the stone tile, making a crack in it. Blade cackled at his enemies attempts to beat him, but it got cut short as a laser flew by his head. He growled as he saw Ace advancing towards him and shot another laser at him, which he blocked with his sword. As Ace was about to grab his sword,Blade gave him an uppercut to his stomach, then he used his staff to whack him in his face and finished him of with a knee to his stomach and he crashed into the wall. Victoria then tossed her boomerang at him and knocked him in the back of his head. He spun around to see her running at him, preaping to attack when he grabbed her wrist and threw her into Ace who got knocked back down as a result. "You're really starting to annoy me ! How about you just do me a favor and give us the rest of the Calamity Crystals back!" Destiny shouted as she ran and performed a jump kick;but he lifted his hand and stopped her in mid air ,which shocked her. "No way, I love to make you guys suffer!" He lifted a finger and sent her flying in the air then she plummeted to the ground. Ryan saw this and ran as fast as he could to get to her and caught her. The warrior princess looked at her savior and a light blush spread across her cheeks. "Are you okay?" He asked as their faces were inches apart. "Uh, yeah I-". "Look out!" Skye shouted as they looked up to see Blade coming down to strike them with his sword. Destiny quickly got out of Ryan's arms to prepare an arrow but Ryan stood in the front of her and raised his sword to counterattack. They suddenly the Topaz Circle began to glow and made a forcefield around the two of them, knocking Blade back and he rolled on the ground. "What just happened?" Ryan asked surprised as he lowered his sword and looked at the gem. "The Topaz Circle protected us... I didn't even know it could do that." Destiny said surprised. The gems forcefield wore off and suddenly Blade began to glitch, shocking everyone. Ace, Victoria and Skye ran over and stood by Destiny and Ryan; as the evil prince continued to glitch then shortly after a while he faded along with his sword and the ruby heart, leaving everyone shocked. "What!" Ace exclaimed and ran over to the same spot Blade disappeared in. "Where'd he go?!" A little while later a hologram of Blade appeared in the room floating above them, laughing as the group glared at the villain. "Tricked ya!" He shouted and continued to speak. "The looks on your faces when I vanished! Priceless!" Ryan, now boiling with anger marched up to the hologram. "Alright that's it! I'm sick and tired of your games! Where are you!?" He stopped laughing as he crossed him arms. "You'll find out enough, anyhoo ta-ta" He said then screen shut off.

Blade then turned away from the monitor and walked towards a tall figure sitting on a throne. "Is it time now Father?" King Blake crossed his legs and flashed and evil grin. "Yes it's time..." He was about to snap his fingers when Ryden shouted at the evil king; causing him to look back at him. "If you dare hurt them with that crystal, you'll have to answer to me!" King Blake smirked at him. "Oh you have nothing to worry about.." He said getting up from his throne and walking up to him. "Cause Ryan and Destiny are the only ones getting hurt." He then snapped his fingers once more and Blade walked up next to his dad, showing Ryden the ruby heart; which showed Ryan and his friends still in the throne room. The evil king then went up to his chair and grabbed the emerald sphere. He cackled as it began to glow. In the throne room, Ryan turned around at Skye. "Can your team help us find Blade?" She nodded. "I just contacted them a few minutes ago and they said that they have good news and bad news for us so we should head over there" The blacksmith nodded and began to head for the door and the rest soon followed; The topaz circle and the amethyst hair bow slowly began to turn black, making Ryan and Destiny feel dizzy. "Ryan, Destiny!" Ace shouted as the two heroes collapsed on the floor. Ace and Skye quickly ran up to him. As their voices became muffled, Ryan saw a blurry figure, he blinked and it turned out to be his father. "Dad..." He whispered before blacking out. "Destiny, speak to me!" Victoria shouted. The warrior princess also saw a blurry figure, which turned out to be the little girl with hetrochromia eyes. "Anais..." She said before blacking out.

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