The Calamity Crystals

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Morning had arrived in Aeredale and Ryan lied in a room on a soft bed with many cuts and bruises on his body along with the big scrape Blade gave him with his sword on his back. The teen slowly opened his eyes as he heard the sound of birds chirping. His vision was little blurred when he blinked, it cleared up and he saw Ace and Victoria standing on both sides of the bed. "Where am I?" He asked;his voice sounded hoarse. "You're in the castle's guest room;Ace and I found you unconscious and pretty bruised up... I bandaged that awful cut on your back." Victoria crossed her arms. "If we can't defeat Blade what makes you think that you could?" Ace looked at his teammate with a little anger on his face. "Victoria!" He exclaimed. The intventor picked up a glass of water from the beside table and gave it to him. Ryan sat up gladly taking the water and gulped it down in a matter of seconds. "Thanks" He said handing the empty glass back to Ace who took it and smiled. "No problem " Victoria spoke up. "Hey, I didn't see Destiny when we found you" She said while crossing her arms. "Did she go after Blade? Because she's known to do that at times." "His eyes widened as the events from last night came flooding back to his mind: He found Destiny unconscious, He  fought  with Blade but he lost and took Destiny with him but he saw his father being taken away by King Blake. "Dad..." He whispered, making Victoria and Ace confused. "Ryan?" The blonde said while snapping her fingers in the front of his face, which woke him from his trance. "Where's Destiny?" She repeated once more. "Blade kidnapped her". Once they heard  this,their  face expression turned to one's of worry. "Oh no this is really bad..." Ace said running a hand through his hair while Victoria began to pace to room; now Ryan was the one who looked confused. "If Blade took Destiny, that means he's gonna take her hair bow!" Ace shouted as Ryan raised an eyebrow. "What are you guys talking about?" Victoria stopped pacing and looked at the blacksmith. "Let us explain: A few months ago Mayor  Barret gave us these palm sized gems called Calamity Crystals, we were supposed  to protect them from baddies like Blade, but throughout the years of fighting him, he's collected some of them. There are six in total; now that he has Destiny he's gonna take hers which means he'll have two more to collect!" Ryan swung his legs over the bed and stood up as his muscles ached; the burning pain tore through them as he stretched but he ignored it. "Okay, does Blade attack the village using these gems?". "Sometimes he does" Ace replied. Ryan looked around and spotted his sword, he walked over to it and slung it on his back .As he did this, the sword's rain gaurd flashed a faint light blue color. Ace and Victoria then had a look of surprise on their faces. "Ryan..." Victoria said as the blacksmith looked at her. " Take the sword out of your sheath..." He slipped the weapon out and they gasped in surprise. "You have the Topaz Circle!" The blonde exclaimed. "How did you get this?!". The blacksmith shrugged. " I discovered it when I found it in the basement of my father's shop". Ace smiled. "You mentioned something about your father right?" Ryan nodded. "Well I have good news for you! Come on, I'll tell you on the way to Blade's palace" He said as he was about to run out of the room when Victoria stopped him. " What up Tori?" She placed a hand on her hips and scanned Ryan from head to toe." You are not going out in a blacksmith's uniform." Ryan looked down at his clothes.  " What's wrong with this?" . "You just don't look adventure ready". Suddenly she had an idea. "Hang on, I have just the outfit!" She exclaimed and ran out of the room. A little while later she came back with *picture above* .  "Hey, that's my battle outfit!" She rolled her eyes. " Come on Ace,he's just borrowing it". She shoved the clothes in the blacksmith's arms and pushed him towards the bathroom. "Go change quickly!" She said shutting the door. *30 mins later* Ryan walked into the room wearing the clothes and Victoria had a smile on her face. "Now you look adventure ready!" She said as Ryan adjusted the sword strap. "Are you ready now?" Ace said becoming impatient; the tomboy nodded and they quickly ran out of the room.

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