A Princesses' Escape

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Destiny leaned up against the wall of her prison cell, still unconscious from last night's events. The warrior princess stirred as she felt the pain from her throbbing nose and slowly opened her eyes,looking around; taking in her surroundings she realized that she was in a empty dungeon. Feeling something tight and uncomfortable around her wrist, she looked down to see shackles on them. Suddenly the events from last night came flooding back to her memory and she growled. "Blade!" She shouted but the only response she got was her echo. She tried again only to get the same result .The brunette sighed as she was about to give up when she remembered the hair bow in her hair;she quickly reached up to grab it but her eyes widened when it wasn't there. "Where is it?!" She said beginning to panic,feeling all around her head but it wasn't there. She gritted her teeth in frustration and clenched her fist. "Blade!" She shouted once more then seconds later she heard footsteps stomping her way. It wasn't long before Zander marched up to her cell fuming. "Would you please stop making noise! Your screaming is annoying me! Cut it out!" He shouted irritated. "Where's Blade! I know that he took my bow and where are the villagers!" He placed a hand on his chin. "Which one? Your bow and arrow or the crystal  hairbow?" "Both!" She yelled and he chuckled at her temper "Blade isn't here and he didn't take your bows...". He paused for a minute before holding them up. "Cause I have them". She narrowed her eyes, feeling herself shaking from anger. "Give them back! I can't afford to lose anymore of these!" The blonde haired boy crossed his arms. "Yeah well Blade needs them too! Especially the Amethyst Hair Bow! All we need now is the Topaz Circle and Blade can get started with his plans to rule over Aeredale! Anyway I must get going ,later!" He ran away while cackling. The blonde left the dungeon andEw ran  down the castle hallway; he was about to turn to corner when he bumped into Skye, Blade's "assistant". She wore a pants suit with flats and held some papers in her hand. "Hey Skye what are you doing right now?"He asked her and she looked down at the papers in her hand. Oh,um I was on my way to Blade's office to deliver some paperwork, what do you need?" He gave her the amethyst hair bow and Destiny's weapon "I need you to put these in Blade's office". She tilted her head in confusion. "Don't these belong to the princess of Aeredale?" He smirked and crossed his arms. "Looks like you've been doing your homework; very few people know that Destiny's the guardian of the amethyst hair bow" She nodded. "Yep, I study my opponents to find out more about them and learn their weakness" She then noticed something glimmering in the light and saw the key to Destiny's cell in his pocket. "Alright chop chop, these items won't hide themselves ." He began to walk away from her and she did the same but when he was far enough; she took out a pocket grappling hook and easily aimed it at Zander's pocket, snatching the key. When she got it, she dashed down the hall towards the prison cells.

Destiny sat on the hard stone floor of the cell still screaming for Zander when she heard the door open and Skye dashed in; before she could speak she cut her off. "Your Majesty, I'm here to rescue you, you can ask questions later." She used the key to open the cells after she finished she took off her cuffs with a laser pen and motioned the warrior princess to follow her. When they got into the hallway, Skye looked left then right before proceeding with Destiny in tow. A little while later, they heard footsteps heading there way. Skye quickly grabbed Destiny's wrist and pressed a green button on her belt; turning them invisible. One of Blade's teammates, Vance walked down the hall passing them. When he was gone, the two females quickly dashed towards the exit and escaped to the forest.

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