Detecting Ryden

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A few hours later, Ryan slowly opened his eyes and he felt something soft around him. Sitting up, he looked around and saw that he was in a bedroom. He saw something in the corner of his eye and turned his head to see Destiny unconscious in her own bed. "Hey, your awake" A voice said and he turned to see Mia standing in the doorway. "Skye told us that you blacked out." He nodded in response. "How do you feel?". "A little better now" Mia crossed her arms. "That's good... Skye said that she would like to speak with the team, and bring Destiny as well." She said then walked out. Ryan got up out of bed and walked over to Destiny; he shook her gently and she stirred and fluttered her eyes open to see the blacksmith. "Ryan..." She said wearily as he grabbed her hand to help her sit up. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a calm voice. "I'm fine now". Ryan somehow found himself staring into Destiny's eyes and lightly blushed. " Is something wrong?" She asked titling her head slightly and he quickly caught himself. "Uh n-no, nothing's wrong... Skye said that she wants to speak with us." She nodded and swung her legs over the bed as Ryan helped her to stand then they walked out to the living room to see everyone seated and waiting for them. Once they took there seats Skye clapped her hands. "Now that everyone's here, Liam said that he found something so we get started with the rescue mission" He placed his tablet on the table. "We found out where King Blake is hiding Ryan's dad. "Where is he?!" He shouted make everyone jump from his sudden outburst. Liam tapped the screen and a hologram of King Blake's palace popped up; a red dot blinked at the very bottom of the building. " This is where King Blake has his underground lair, so there's a 100 percent chance that your father and the other villagers are there. "Anais..." Destiny whispered and Ryan nodded. "And what's the bad news?" Victoria asked. "The Calamity Crystals that Ryan and Destiny have are now black" Niko looked at him. "Isn't there a way to restore them?" Liam nodded. " The only way to do that is to claim the most powerful gem, which is the emerald sphere and you could take a wild guess about who has it. "King Blake" Ace growled under his breath. "Where does he reside?". "He lives in the Kingdom of Aramore". Liam said while pushing his glasses on his face and Destiny nodded. "We'll start make preparations for the journey there"

Thanks to Skye and her team,Ryan can now rescue his father! Will this be and easy journey or will King Blake and Blade cause trouble? Is there anything else that the Calamity Crystals can do? Find out in the sequel!

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