A Message from the Mayor

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Meanwhile Ryan and the others arrived in the village; Ace began telling Ryan about how his father was the owner of the Topaz Circle,which surprised him. " Really?" He nodded. "Yeah he was it's original guardian before he got kidnapped; I guess he placed it there for safe keeping, maybe hoping that you found it and take over the role." Victoria suddenly stopped walking and looked around;Ace noticed and looked at her. "What's wrong Victoria?". Have you noticed that Blade hasn't attacked us for a while, do you think he's planning something?". He crossed his arms. "Maybe, I've been thinking about the fact that he kidnapped Destiny... he probably wants to use her for something else and not just the amethyst hair bow." Ryan decided to speak up. "Speaking of Destiny she mentioned something about King Blake taking citizens prisoner do you guys know what that is about?" Victoria looked at him. " They do it so that can use these people as slaves and to make their lives miserable." Ryan narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist. "That's terrible! No one should be treated that way!" They walked up the bakery shop window, where there was a poster of a little girl who looked about 10, she had long blonde hair which was tied into two pigtails. She wore a light pink dress with red trimmings paired with long white stockings; Ryan studied the photo,but what caught his attention the most was that she had an unusual feature that no one else in Aeredale had: Complete Heterochromia. "That's Anais, she's the baker's daughter. King Blake has kidnapped her for sometime now." The blacksmith stared at the poster and he felt anger flare up in him about the fact he's taking kids as prisoners. "Blake's gonna pay!" He growled under his breath then turned to Ace and Victoria. "Let's go!" He said and they were about to run when Ace's communicator beeped; he answered the call and the mayor of Aeredale came up on his screen. He had bags under his eyes and looked tired and stressed out. "Ace I would like to speak with you and Victoria, and bring Ryan; I have some information to share with you." Ace nodded. "Okay Mayor Barrett, we'll back right over" He turned his watch off and they made their way to the town hall.

Minutes later, Ryan and the other arrived at the town hall; they walked up the the front to desk to greet the mayor's secretary. "Hello Ms. Garcia, the mayor's excepting us" Victoria said and she lead them to his office. Once there she opened the door for them and they were greeted with the mayor pacing behind his desk with a worried expression on his face. The heroes quickly ran up to him. "What's the matter, Mayor Barrett?". When he acknowledged them, he clasped his hands. " Heroes, thank goodness you're here; I've received intel that Princess Destiny has been kidnapped by Blade and that you're going after them." They nodded. "I've just received this message from King Blake...I have no idea what he's planning but I know that it's not good." He said handing Ryan a scroll; as he opened it Ace and Victoria looked over his shoulders and he furrowed his eyebrows at what it said: "Hope you fools are ready for the calamity that's about to befall your Kingdom." Ryan quickly balled up the paper in his hands and threw it away. "Don't listen to what Blake says, we won't allow him to take over Aeredale, we refuse to let that happen!" Ace stated with a firm voice. " I always know that I can count on you heroes!" Mayor Barrett said with a smile on his face. He sat down in his chair before continuing. "I heard that King Blake has a more powerful army; so powerful that he might become unstoppable, so I figured that you three can use some assistance. "I've called in a secret agent team, The Electric Squad to assist you in finding Destiny, to save the villagers and to put an end to King Blake's evil scheme". He took out his phone and began to type something, later Victoria heard that her phone received a message and took it out. "I just sent you the location of their headquarters, now go!". They all nodded. "Thank you Mayor" Victoria said and they ran out of the office. Ten minutes later they stood in the front of a house and Victoria looked at her phone." This is the place". She said then knocked on the door. It opened and a girl who looked about 17 with a fair skin tone, blonde hair and grey eyes opened it. "You're Ryan, right?" He nodded. "Yep that's me" He said and she stepped to the side, allowing them to come in. When they came in, they saw a male with a fair skin tone ,black hair wearing a black long sleeve shirt and washed out blue jeans ,thick black glasses and a laptop in his lap and another male with and olive skin tone and dirty blonde hair wearing a gray parka and black jeans reading a book. " The mayor sent you here correct?" The black haired male asked and he nodded. "Yes, he also mentioned something about a girl named Skye is she here?" The gray eyed female shook her head. "Speaking of names, I'm Mia and over there is Liam and Niko" She said while pointing to them. "I'm Ace and this is Victoria" The 15 year said. "Any idea on where Skye could have gone?" Niko looked at Ryan. "Your the guardian of the Topaz Circle right?" Ryan nodded. "You can use it to lead you to them; when Skye goes to Blade's castle she always goes through Sunbron Forest;so go there and you should find her". "Thanks" Ace said and the three of them ran out of the house.

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