Trouble in the Throne Room

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When the two boys got inside,Ryan and Ace sprinted down the Great Hall as they ran past a few doors to get to the throne room. When they arrived the door was unhinged and they saw the same boy Ace fought earlier; tying Victoria's arms behind her back. They ran inside and readied their weapons. "Leave her alone Zander!" Ace shouted at him and he turned around; once he saw them, he laughed. "Oh look, the chivalry has arrived! Looks like Ace just had to rush over here and answer the call from his beloved princess!" He teased as Ace growled under his breath as Victoria cringed. He then turned his attention to Ryan. "And you must be the blacksmith, Blade told me alot about you" Ryan pointed his sword at him."I don't care about what Blade told you, just let Victoria go and leave!" He said growled and Zander laughed. "You're really funny ya know. Oh, you wanna know what Blade told me? He said that you have a little soft spot for Destiny,how cute". Upon hearing this Ryan blushed lightly. He twirled his whip as he walked up to the blacksmith. "But seriously ,out of all the girls on the village, you fall for her?! I have no idea what you see in that idiot princess anyway! If you think she's cute then you need to check your eyes to see if their working correctly". Upon hearing that, Ryan tighten the grip on his sword;Ace noticed this and decided to stop him before he did something that he would regret, so he placed a hand on his shoulder,which caught his attention. "Go help Destiny, I'll take care of him" He said in a whisper. " Are you sure?" The 15 year old nodded and Ryan went behind him; sprinting towards the stairs leading up to the castle's keep.

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