Together again

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It was a early night in Daytona city. At the entrance of city hospital doctors and nurses were waiting for their patient. They were informed about Chase and his wounds and now a special bed on wheels was prepared for injured pup. Moments later everybody could hear a helicopter roaring over the sky. It was Skye, who was pushing herself to limit just to save not only Chases health but also her relationship with him. She saw hospital personnel below her and contacted Ryder.

Skye: Ryder. I'm hovering above main entrance at city hospital.

Ryder: Good job. Now low your harness, carefully and doctors will do their job.

Skye: Ok.

She lowered her harness right above the bed which was prepared for Chase and moments later, nurses unhooked hermetic bed from helicopter and moved Chase who was on bed with wheels to operational room. Meanwhile Skye landed her helicopter and waited for other guys who arrived 35 minutes later. Skye lead them to the room where Chase was operated. Everyone was worried about his condition, Leo, Matt and Kyle were even thinking that he won't make it. Luckily after 20 minutes of operation and impatience, doctor came to gang.

Valeria: Soo, will this end good?

Doctor (takes a deep breath): Yes, it will. We saw that despite his condition is critical, it was because of burns on his skin and big amount of bruises. Surprisingly he broke only one paw, badly but only one.

Ryder: Thank god!

Greg: Haha!! The new safety rules worked. We actually tested some new items, which were invented to protect the driver more.

Zuma: You are the genius.

Vlad: Nah, he's just a guy who cares about safety about drivers.

Doctor: If you want, you can stay here. The operation will last for 2:30 hours.

Ryder: Ok. We will wait.

Doctor: Good I will call you, when we will end.

8 hours later

During this 8 hours, 2:30 of them were used by Chases operation, doctor said, that everything went fine and he needs to rest. Skye decided to stay with Chase which was granted by pups and Legendary Eight. But this night Skye didn't sleep good, just because of feeling how Chase will react after revealing that she crashed him almost to death. The next day Skye was snuggling into Chases side and suddenly she felt that he started moving and finally Chase woke up. He felt something soft on his right side and obviously before brake up it was Skye. He nudged her lightly causing her to wake up.

Skye: Oh hey Chase. You're awake.

Chase: Yeah. But maybe I wouldn't because of someone (looks coldly at Skye).

Skye (lowers her head down): Look, about that crash in Daytona - you were right. I put the wish winning the title at all costs higher than our relationship. I almost killed you and despite my helicopter which delivered you in time, I don't think that you love me.

Chase: Wait, helicopter?

Skye: Yeah. I... I used my helicopter to deliver you to hospital. If you were delivered by ambulance you would die and I wouldn't talk to you right now.

Chase: Get closer to me please.

Skye got closer to Chase with slight fear preparing herself from Chases loud heartbreaking voice, but instead she felt his paws around her.

Chase: To be honest... I hate you a little. But still I'm happy that you realized your mistake and decided to try to recover all this thing. I'm really proud of you and that's why I love you (kisses her forehead).

Skye: Sooo... I deserved your apologize?

Chase: Yep.

Skye (softly): Thank you (nuzzles his chest). I can help you with walking because of your bondaged paw if you want. Orrr....

Chase: No no no no. There's no need with that. Just stay with me please. I know you feel that you didn't deserve my apology despite saving my life after sending it almost to heaven. But right now I want to see your smile, that you feel happy because of our reborned relationship.

Skye (huggs him): I really am.

Yaaaay! Chapter done! Two or three chapters will be about Chases recovery. Dedication goes to nowyyy808. My BFF in Wattpad. See you soon and stay safe ))))

A clash at a price in a relationship (Chase x Skye)Where stories live. Discover now