Chapter 1: Days

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Day one

Last night was rough. Sure, we're used to sleeping in weird places but with the noise from below and the heat, it was hard to fall asleep. In the end, I only got about 3 hours of sleep although, that's not too different from usual.

I got out of the tent when the blue sun was just making its way above the horizon and stretched, going to find some weights or something heavy. Just because we're on a deserted planet, doesn't mean I'll stop my workout routine. I'm gonna need to be as strong as I can if I'm gonna carry one or two of those power cells.

I found a few weights in one of the buildings, seems like at least one of the previous residents liked to stay fit. There's a few dumbbells and a bench press with a few heavy weights on each side. It wasn't much but I wasn't complaining. I started with stretches, then did a few sets of pushups, sit ups and planks before grabbing a 25lbs dumbbell. Russian twists, bicep curls, lunges, arm circles and such just to start with before I moved on. After I finished those, drinking water as I went, I walked over to the barbell, seeing 20lbs weights on each side. I put on an extra 10lbs to each side before doing some barbell hip thrusts, then moving on to the bench press. It was at this time that Max walked in.

"Dude, there you are!" She said, annoyance and relief in her voice. "Ian and I freaked out when you weren't there when we woke up. Thought the biorapters got you or something." She crosses her arms, a slight pout on her face. I smiled at her, still focusing on my last set.

"Nope, still kickin'." I said, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Yes, clearly." She mocked. "So what number you at now?" She asked, leaning against the wall.


"Woo! Only 6 more to go!" She cheered making me laugh, almost losing my grip.

"Don't make me laugh!" I chuckled. Max then started clapping and cheering.

"Come on Liz! 5 more to go!" She cheered as I brought the barbell down, lifting it back up and bringing it down again, taking a deep breath.

"You got it! 4 more!"

I smiled at her and did another before Ian walked in.

"Whats the yelling about?" He asked before seeing me and making an 'oh' sound.

"She's got 3 more to go." She informed. "Come on! Channel your inner Furyian!" She said making me grin.

"Yea! Let's see that beast!" Ian laughed and cheered, fist bumping the air. I did another, 2 more left. Sweat dropped down my forehead and I could feel my muscle start to twitch slightly.

"Come on! Just, do it!" Max yelled, getting way too into her attempts to motivate me.

"Yea! When Riddick gets here, he won't know what hit him!" Ian cheered and I smirked before a weird feeling came over me, like a wave of something and a click in my mind. My muscles stopped aching, actually feeling stronger now but, I ignored it and continued on, one left.

"Come on! Last one!" Ian exclaimed as he crouching down next to my hip, facing me.

"Izzy! Izzy! Izzy! Izzy!" They chanted as I lifted the barbell up one last time, setting it on the hooks above. The two young adults cheered and high fived me as I sat up.

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