Chapter 9: Move

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Everyone got ready as we cautiously cracked open the cargo doors. Fry shines the torch outside, lighting up the general area as we moved like hostages across the ground. Growling and hissing could be heard in the cover of darkness causing a few in the group to jump and flinch, scared for their life as Jack clung to my arm, my flashlight in the other. Inside was the main cabin, filled with pitch black, inky darkness, perfect for Riddick's eyes.

"Riddick," Fry called, the convict walking to the front of the group. He lifted his goggles and I grinned, looking down to see Jack watching Riddick intently.

"Checking the cabin." He said, taking a second to scan the area where Johns will surely get the shit scared out of him.

"Looks clear." He called after a few moments. Johns quickly walked ahead, going in first but just as he stands up in the cabin, A Bioraptor flew over his head, fleeing the cabin. Johns took a second and sighed in relief.

"Fuck me. You said 'clear.'" Johns said, cursing Riddick as the convict smirked.

"Said 'looks clear.'" He corrected Johns making the Merc roll his eyes.

"Well, what's it look like now?" Johns asked making me roll my eyes this time. Riddick took a second to look around and listen before looking back at Johns.

"Looks clear."

"Just get the goddamn lights on...." Fry muttered, clearly pissy as everyone scrambled to get their lights on. I turned my flashlight on, pointing it at the ground and our whole area lit up like a Christmas tree. A large ring of the Bio raptors suddenly flew back, crying out as the light touched them. Riddick smirks and tongue clicks behind an unamused Johns.

"Never seen a flashlight that bright," Shazza said, looking around the cabin, the torchlight from Fry lighting up our shadows. The cabin lights turned on and everyone started getting ready, gathering the power cells and any o2 tanks. Johns walked off and a few moments later Fry followed, I could smell as he took out the morphine.

The cabin lights were losing power already, we had to be fast. Johns and Fry came back and we all got ready to exit the cabin into the dark, the vicious raptors waiting for us out there.

We soaked two umbrellas with alcohol, lighting them on fire as we step outside, I kept my flashlight on hand, as soon as Paris scampers off in fear, I'll use it.

Shazza was pulling the sled, only 2 cells on it as two more fit into my bag. Johns was fumbling with the second harness when Riddick stepped up to help him. Both looked at each other and immediately stepped away as Johns was chained to the sled, helping Shazza.

"Keep the light going. That's all we have to do to live through this. Just keep your light burning." Fry said like we didn't already know that.

"No, Really?" I asked. "We're all kinda busy actually carrying shit, you have the light, so why are you telling us?" I asked her making Jack and Riddick chuckle. I walk near Riddick, Jack following closely behind me. Riddick looped a hand lightly over his neck and fumbles to position it correctly.

"Here," I said, gently moving the loop so the headlight was shining down his back, like a marker that he was still there. He turned around and kisses my hair.

"Be runnin' about 10 paces ahead. I want light on my back -- but not in my eyes. And check your cuts. These things know our blood now." Riddick called to Fry before looking back at me.

"Keep her close to you." He said, nodding to Jack who had grabbed my free hand. He looked like he wanted to say more but instead, he paused and leaned in to give me a light kiss.

"Stay safe." He said, leaving me standing there, staring at the beacon of light on his back. I sighed and looked at Jack.

"How long ago did you change?" I asked her.

The New FuryiansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora