Chapter 4: Cells

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"So, where's the body?" Fry asked as she grabbed hold of a bar above her. He didn't answer, looking at the ground. Carolyn huffed and glanced away for a second, before landing her gaze back on the convict in chains. "Well, do you want to tell me about the sounds?" She asked. Still, no response making me grin.

"Look, you told Johns, you heard something." She said, only to still be met with silence. She took her hand off the bar, resting it on her hip. "That's fine." She said as she smacked her lips together, turning around slightly. "You don't want to talk to me, that's your choice, but just so you know. There's a debate right now as to whether we should just leave you here to die." She said, attempting to scare Riddick into talking.

"Dumb bitch, you need everyone out there for a vote and you're missing three." I muttered quietly, Riddick giving a small smirk at my words. Fry turned around, taking a few steps before Riddick's voice stopped her.

"You mean the whispers?" He asked quietly, his voice extra raspy like he hadn't talked in weeks. Fry turned to him, walking back towards Riddick and I, still oblivious to my presence. While both Fry and Riddick were oblivious to a certain fiery child watching from afar.

"What whispers?" Fry asked.

"The ones telling me to go for the sweet spot just left of the spine, fourth lumbar down, the abdominal aorta." He said, I was just silently cackling, Riddick was such a fucking mood when it came to fucking with people. "It's a metallic taste, human blood." He continued. "Copperish. If you cut it with peppermint schnapps, it goes away."

"Do you want to shock me with the truth now?" Fry snapped while I was still thinking about what Riddick said.

"What the fuck are peppermint schnapps?" I asked myself almost inaudibly. Riddick slowly lifted his head and looked at her, his face still mostly in shadow.

"All you people are so scared of me." He said, his face slowly getting more and more light. "Most days, I'd take that as a compliment." He said, a slightly humorous tone to his voice. "But it ain't me you gotta worry about now." He warned making me grin,

"Show me your eyes, Riddick." Fry demanded making my grin widen.

"You'd have to come a lot closer for that." He said. A small little growl left me though as she took a few step closer to Riddick.


I shook my head, trying to basically shake some sense into me. Carolyn stepped closer, wiping her hands on her pants as she tried to keep her face calm.

When Carolyn was almost within reach, Riddick jumped up, making her rush back. Riddick stilled and looked at her panting figure, a stream of light hitting his eyes and I smirked as I could smell her fear. I walked up beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder as I looked over to Jack. Riddick looked as well.

"Where the hell can I get eyes like that?" Jack asked making me chuckle.

"You gotta kill a few people." Riddick said and Jack stepped down from the little platform he was on.

"Okay, I can do it." She said making me smile. She was so willing to prove she was strong, be brave that it was honestly adorable. Riddick turned back to Fry while I smiled at the girl in disguise.

"Then you gotta get sent to a slam where they tell you you'll never see the daylight again." He said, looking straight at Fry who shifted uncomfortably. "You dig up a doctor and you pay him 20 menthol Kools, to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs." He lied making me roll my eyes, but Jack smiled.

"So you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark?" Jack asked, excitement clear in her voice, Riddick gave her a small, devious smile.

"Exactly." Riddick said.

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