Chapter 12: End

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One predator looked over its shoulder, making up all hit the water like lawnmowers on legs, crashing through as we scattered water and predator alike just as we managed to reach the muddy rise.

Jack loses her grip on me and starts back-sliding. She cried out, turning the head of Riddick and me, my heart catching in my throat as he catches Jack, just as her legs hit the pool. He muscles her back up the rise and heaves her over the top, sending her slip-sliding down the other side to the others and me.

"You know the way!" He yelled. Not waiting for him, Fry and Shazza disappear over the rise.

"Take Jack! I'll help him!" I yelled to Ian and Max.

"No!" Jack yelled. My two best friends nodded and took the crying girl away with them, running as fast as they can to the skiff.

I turned back to the muddy rise, using my flashlight to ward off all the raptors as I slid down the mountain of mud, a shallow rock becoming the perfect surfboard down. I saw the creatures regrouping, crawling up the rise at us.

I grabbed Riddick's arm and yanked him over the rise, running hand in hand with him as the predators chased us.


Fry, Shazza, Ian, Max and a crying Jack reach the settlement. They spill around a corner and see the light of the skiff.


Ahead of us, we see the others vanishing around the corner. Breathing like a racehorse we follow in their steps, storming around the same corner. Suddenly a predator is right there, right in our face as Riddick yanks me behind him as we skid to a stop. Another predator perched gargoyle-like on the building. It clicks rapidly at us.

Riddick slowly pulls two shives as we bracing ourselves, ready to blade it out.


Ian, Max and Jack stagger aboard, safe in the light of the head beams. Fry turns back however, panting, waiting, waiting.

"Captain...." Imam says, making her turn to him. He wants her to board the skiff. Fry gives it another beat, eyes sweeping the dark rain. And just when we think it's over for Riddick and Izzy, terrible screams are heard from both man and predator. There's a helluva fight going on out there. Close. Fry snatches the glow-worms off Shazza's neck and plunges into the darkness, honing in on the sounds until a blade flashes in her face. She ducks and spots Riddick. Bloody, muddy, and alone. he's down on his knees, still trying to fight off the shadow-beasts that swirl and slash all around him. Around them both.

"It's me, it's me, it's me!" She yells, just as the clicking around them slows, every clicking coming to a stop as each predator dropped dead, one by one. She gets the light around his neck. Now we see his face clearly and see a very human expression there: Fear. Fry grabs his armpits and tries to pull him up.

"C'mon, Riddick -- said I'd die for them, not you." She said as he gets his feet under him, he pushed himself away from her and carefully limps a few steps away.

"I'd advise you to get your hands off him."

"Get the hell out of the way." Fry said, glaring at me standing just in the light. Riddick leaned against a wall and smirked.

"Do you know the real reason I don't like you?" I asked her as I stepped closer making her gulp. "You are the type of person who never really commits anything. You try to take the easy way out by fucking with other people, then when it goes wrong your too cowardice to admit it." I said as I stood in front of her. "And I'm glad your dead."

Just then, in an eyeblink she's gone, a bioraptor blade ripped into her stomach. There was no scream. No cry. No final words. Just...Blackness.


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