Chapter 5: Peculiar

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I walked out of the ship, confusion swirling in my head as I headed to the spires. I could hear Fry screaming for help making me jog up to them, following Jack to the correct spire and breaking into it with Max's help.

"I heard you, Fry! I heard you first!" Jack said as she helped the blond woman out. Everyone started crowding around us and helping Fry only for her to be yanked back. She almost fell back into the spire when I took my bright-ass flashlight and shined it into the hole. The bioraptors shrieked and roared in pain, letting the rope go.

"Someone cut the rope!" I yelled, trying to keep the reptiles from pulling her back in. Max quickly took a knife and cut the rope, pulling the blond and me away from the hole of death. I stumbled from the force of being pulled back, almost falling on my ass. I clicked off the flashlight and looked at Fry, panting on the ground.

"Let me guess, a tunnel system?" I remarked sarcastically. "Next time, how about you actually fucking listen," I growled at her, this heat was making me sweat and I honestly felt like I was just doused in warm Mountain Dew. I walked over to Max and Jack, taking some deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Thanks for that Max," I said then turned to the younger girl. "And good job Jack." I praised making the girl smile at me.

"Thanks!" She said, I looked at her for a second before my eyes widened and I shuffled through my bag.

"Oh, before I forget," I started, pulling out some tampons and handing them to her. "Free bleeding isn't exactly the best thing to do right now." I joked as her eyes widened.

"B-but- how-.." She stuttered making Max and I chuckle.

"We know a lot more than you think," I said with a small wink as I walked away.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and gave her a two-finger salute.

"No problem, squirt!" I replied before walking to the small gathering of Paris, Shazza, and Fry. Upon arrival to the small group, I looked around and observed the rest of the survivors.

"What was down there?" Paris asked Fry, she was still a little pale from fright.

"Some kind of reptile." She said.

"I tried to warn you about the possibility of a tunnel system underground but, you were too egotistical to consider I might be right," I said, sending the blond a glare. She seemed to get a little cocky though as she glared right back.

"And how did you know about the tunnel system? You said you've only been here for 2 days." Fry asked, seeming to think she had caught me in some big secret.

"It's called logic sweetie, maybe you should try using it some time," I replied sarcastically. "They're photophobic, they need to be in the dark. It's only logical that they would have something, like a tunnel system, to be able to survive on a planet almost entirely sunny." I said making her cocky attitude drop.

"Hey! Lady Dimitrescu! Little help over here!" Max called making me turn to her and raise a brow.

"Did you just call me the 9-foot tall vampire lady from resident evil?" I asked her with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, do you know any other 9-foot tall vampire lady?"She asked sarcastically making me roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go bug, Riddick," I called, walking away and giving everyone a peace sign. "Peace!" I called and walked into the ship, my footsteps light. I walked in to see Johns and Riddick talking.

"You saying you're gonna cut me loose?" Riddick asked in fake disbelief, we all know he wasn't gonna let his bounty go.

"I'm saying, you could have died in the crash," Johns said making me scoff. As if the world would believe that bullshit. The most wanted convict killed in a ship crash? Highly unlikely. I crept around the two, Riddick glancing at me, a slight smirk on his face.

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