Chapter 8: Photophobic

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I stood up and walked over to Riddick who was dusting himself off. "You okay?" I asked him, checking him over for injury, he nodded and I breathed a sigh of relief. Shazza and we then walked into the crashed ship to hide. We barricaded the door, looking for any light we can use against the flying creatures.

"What was that flashlight you had?" Jack asked. I took out the extra flashlight I got for Max and handed it to Jack.

"I only use it for emergencies because of how bright they are. Only use it when you really need it and never point it at someone, especially Riddick." I said, she nodded and I smiled at her before turning to Riddick.

"Well, I don't want to jump to conclusions here...but 'member that boneyard? These just might be the fuckers that killed every other living thing on this planet, okay?" Johns said, panting in fear. I rolled my eyes at his insufferable idiocy.

"No shit, really?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Quiet everyone. Hear that? Clicking." Shazza pointed out. We all listened to the cargo door, listening as the clicking sweeps by outside.

"Why do they do that? Make that sound?" Jack asked making me grab her hand.

"They're using echolocation, using the clicks and vibrations to see by listening to how they reflect back," I explained, the fear in the room stunk, like a boys locker room.

"Echolocation? That's what this is?" Fry whispered to herself.

More clicking is heard, everyone using their lights to follow the noise, only the door of an open container about halfway down the cargo tunnel.

"How could one get in here?" Paris stuttered.

"Breach in the hull. I dunno." Fry said as the clicking continued, everyone looked at Johns with his gun and his fear increased as he realized everyone was expecting him to check it out.

"I'd rather piss glass," Johns said making me smirk.

"I can have that arranged," I said making Johns shiver.

"Well, you got the big gauge." Riddick pointed out, Johns glaring at him.

"Wanna rag your fat mouth?" He said making me raise a brow.

"Wanna backtrack on what you just said, bitch?" I asked making him shut up as more clicking and then the sound of toppling cargo echoed through the room.

Johns finally gets some balls and slowly shimmies toward the open door before firing blindly at the door making me facepalm. This is the man we put in charge of the bullets. Something then lets out a large squeal and Johns stops shooting and peers in the door.

"Okay. We're okay. Just some small ones that musta --" He's cut off by the hatchlings flying over his head and catching his gun. John races back to us as bigger bioraptor flashes from the flash of the gun.

"Not staying in here another...." Paris mutters as he goes for the main door level. Fry catches him and pulls him back.

"Christ, you don't know what's out there!" She yelled making Paris fire up.

"I know what's in here!" He yelled.

"Everyone, this way!" I yelled, leading them the way Imam would have. At first, only the sound of the O2. Then loud scratching starts as Johns fumbles with a cutting torch. He gets it lit and suddenly we can see scythe-like blades probing the joints of the door when heavy blows to the door make everyone step back.

"Can you do sumpin' else with that? 'Sides holding it in my fucking face?" Riddick asked Johns who has frozen in fear. He got the hint and started cutting the common wall between containers. It's just a waiting game.

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