Chapter 3: Zeke

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Riddick raised a brow at me.

"So, you know about the sweet spot, huh?" He asked making me smirk and lean down to him, our faces inches apart.

"I know a lot of things, Riddick." I said before a curious look came over his face. "Or should I call you Richard? And what does the B stand for?" I asked making him growl.

"So you do know me." He said, both amused and annoyed.

"Oh yeah." I said with a nod. "But I know a lot more then Johns does."

"Possibly even more then you know yourself." I said making him scoff. I got off of him, giving him a hand up which he took, then starting to walk off.

"Wait." He called.

I stopped in my tracks, looking over my shoulder at him.

"What did you mean earlier that these suns won't last?" He asked making me grin.

"You'll find out soon enough, Richy." I teased making him chuckle.

I walked off and went back to camp, knowing the others would be getting there soon. I spotted them as they passed under the rib cage, finding the solar powered robot toy. I was parkouring above them on the hills, keeping an eye out for them as they approach the village. I dropped down after a few more minutes, when one of the boys started calling out for people.

"It no use." I told him. They all turned to me, Johns pointing his gun making me scoff. I walked right in front of everyone, not sparing the firearm pointed at me one glance.

"The original inhabitants of this village are dead. Long gone." I said to them. "Now my two friends and I occupy the space, until you guys came."

"So what happened to everyone?" Fry asked, seemingly annoyed by me for some reason.

"They were killed. Eaten." I said before turning to the boys. "By the reptiles I warned you three about earlier. They like the dark, direct light of any kind hurts them." I said before making my way to Johns who had picked up an empty water bottle, shaking it before tossing it in the sand.

"There's a water pump around where my camp is, I can fill this up when we get there." I told him, getting a small nod. "We searched all the buildings, brought out anything we thought might be useful." I told them, walking backwards towards the middle of the camp.

"You said there was water here? And food?" Imam asked making me grin and nod, turning back around.

"Ian!" I called.

"What?!" He yelled back.

"We have guests!" I yelled, I heard an 'oh shit' and rapid scrambling the closer we got to camp. I furrowed my brows at that, I shouldn't be able to hear him from this far away. I just shook it off, being in a different world might have heightened my senses or something.

We all rounded the corner, seeing Ian rapidly filling water bottles, a large pot on the fire barrel. He saw me and smiled, giving everyone a small, awkward wave.

"Hello." He said nervously as we approached.

"Ian, this is Imam and his sons, Suleiman, Hassan and Ali, then this is Johns and Fry." I introduced them, more so Ian and I don't let on that we already know them.

"Would you guys like some food and water?" Ian asked awkwardly, only relaxing when the kids made a beeline for the food. Ian laughed and started putting some of the soup into bowls for the kids, handing them each a bottle of water too.

"Hey, Fry!" I called, the women turning to me. "There's a skiff here too, think we could get some power cells from the crash to power it?" I asked her, her and Johns' eyes widened at the mention of the spacecraft.

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