Chapter 10: Boneyard

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"What it's gonna be like when we hit that canyon. With her bleeding." Riddick said. I threw my arms in the air and let them fall to my side.

"Really?" I said. "Really?!"

Everyone looked at me as I huffed.

"I get it. She's on her period. But so am I, dumbass, why the fuck do you think, I've been so protective of her, you fucking dumbass?! She wanted to pretend to be a boy, so why the fuck didn't you just leave it alone?! They're smelling me, idiot! I'm an adult. I'm bigger. I have more chance of them getting a bite to me than her!" I said, my frustration clear on my face. I wasn't angry, just frustrated because, in truth, I am on my period as well. I also may or may not have a diva cup in need of emptying.... Eh, its fine! Anyways, back to the present.

"You knew?" Fry asked making me facepalm.

"Of course I fucking knew. I've basically adopted her at this point." I snapped at her.

"Aw, this can't be happening to me...." John whined.

"They been nose-open for her ever since we left. They go off blood." Riddick said. I could smell the fear in johns, I was just waiting until Riddick gets rid of him. 

"Well...we must keep her close, then." Shazza spoke up. "Here, she'll be safe if we put her between --"

"There is no 'safe.'" Riddick said making me roll my eyes.

"Like hell. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to protect her because at least that gives me a reason to keep moving." I said, walking closer to Riddick. "And I'm sure by now you've figured out I am very much so capable of doing just that." I said, sticking my pointer finger at his chest before walking back to where Jack stood with Shazza.

It was quiet, only the horrifying sounds of the canyon ahead could be heard by our group. 

"It's not gonna work." Fry said making me look at her like she's stupid, which, she was. "We gotta go back." She said making Johns look at her. 

"Hey, you're the one who got me out here, turned me into a goddamn sled dog. An' now you 'spect me to go back like a whipped dog?" He grumbled, pissed at Fry for not listening to him.

"I was wrong. I admit it. My bad, okay?" She said making me angry, her bad? if her plan went wrong we would all be dead and now he's getting pissy cause she's finally scared shitless out here? "Now let's just go back to the ship." She said making Shazza and I look at each other in dumbfound.

"I dunno. Nice breeze, wide open spaces --you know, I'm startin' to enjoy myself out here." Johns said sarcastically.

"Are you fucking high again? Just listen to --" Fry tried to say making me roll my eyes.

"No, no, you're right, Fry. What's to be afraid of? My life is a steamin' pile of meaningless toadshit anyhow. So I say mush on!" He said and I could see some guilt flash over Fry's eyes. "Canyon's only couple hundred meters, after that we're in Skiff City! So why don't you just butch up, stuff a cork in that kid --" I punched him to the ground.

"Next person to say anything about her is dead. That includes you Riddick." I growled as Johns rubbed his jaw.

"She's the captain, we should listen to --" Shazza tried to say, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Listen to her? Her? When she was willing to sacrifice us all?" Johns asked making Shazza and Jack stop. They both looked at Fry and I could see the guilt and shame coming back onto her face like it was an old friend.

"What's he talkin' about?" Jack asked making me grab her hand.

"During the crash, she --"

"This does not help us, Johns." Fry growled making me glare.

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