Chapter 137

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Chapter 137

Andy's POV

*One Week Later*

It's been a week since ShyAnne delivered the triplets and nothing has chanced. This is a good thing and a bad thing. I'm so grateful that no one is clinging onto life, but I'm just so impatient to have my life back. The babies are improving every day. Callie is making leaps and bounds, she's gaining weight every day. Chloe and Carter are slowly improving, there's been no issues with either of their health problems which is great. They haven't tried to take Chloe off the ventilator yet since her lungs are still so underdeveloped, but I hope the weaning begins soon.

I have been spending all my time in the hospital. I'll go to sit with the babies for a little bit every day, but most of my time is spent in ShyAnne's room. Her parents are also there as soon as they wake up in the morning until they decide to return to their hotel to go to sleep. Every few days, I go home to take a shower and say hi to the twins before returning to the hospital. My parents have explained to the twins that ShyAnne and the babies are hurt because they were born early and they're getting better in the hospital. I wish with all my heart I could bring the twins to see ShyAnne, but I can't until she is in a normal hospital room. I don't want them to see her until she's awake anyway.

I was sitting in ShyAnne's room with her parents when suddenly her heart monitor started going crazy and her body was violently convulsing.

"Oh my god." I said, standing up. Suddenly, a team of nurses rushed in and started shouting medication names and swarmed ShyAnne. I watched as my wife's body movements slowed and eventually stopped. Her heart monitor returned to normal and a doctor rushed in. Two nurses stayed behind while the rest left. They checked vitals and did all they needed to do to make sure she was relatively okay.

"The seizure is just a result of her brain swelling last week. Her brain is still in the healing process from the trauma. She seems to be okay and we will be closely monitoring her for the rest of the day and throughout the night." The doctor reassured her parents and I.

"Could this happen again?" I asked.

"It could. It happened shortly after the delivery and this was her second seizure."

"Her second? Why was I not informed?"

"It was just a common side effect of her condition."

"This is bullshit." I mumbled, going to sit down and crossing my arms over my chest. I glanced over at ShyAnne who was laying in her bed just as peacefully as before. I shook my head, letting out a sigh. I went over to her bedside and sat down, grabbing her hand.

"Come on, wake up." I pleaded. "I can't keep going through this emotional turmoil." I said, kissing the back of her hand. I threw my head back and grit my teeth, sick of this emotional roller coaster.


Sorry this was short!

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