Chapter 89: Twins' First Holiday

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Chapter 89: Twins' First Holiday

ShyAnne's POV

*One Week Later*

"You guys ready for your first road trip?" I said, strapping Eliza into her car seat. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we decided to spend it at my parents' house. We didn't feel like the first big trip with the twins should be a plane ride across the country. We were driving up today so that we didn't have to wake up early and drive tomorrow. We will be coming back home on Friday.

"I didn't realize how many things babies need." Andy groaned as he tetris-ed everything in the trunk of the car. We had the third row folded down so we could fit things easier. We were bringing their bassinets, plenty of extra outfits, diapers, and bottles, toys. On top of that, we had our bags with our clothes in them.

I made sure the babies were comfortable before getting into the passenger seat. Andy closed the trunk and got into the driver's seat.

"Okay, are we ready to go?" He asked, looking over at me.

"Yup." I smiled, kicking off my shoes and reclining my seat a bit.

"Alright." He said, putting the car in drive and backing out of the driveway. I texted my mom that we were on the way. Thirty minutes into the drive, I ended up falling asleep. I was woken up by Eliza crying. I groaned as I sat up. 

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Just outside of Bakersfield. I'm pulling over to a rest stop." He said as he took the next exit off the highway. We had been driving for almost two hours and I had been asleep for about an hour and a half. Andy parked at the rest stop and I got out, opening the back door.

"What's wrong baby?" I cooed, checking her diaper. Clean. I unstrapped her from her seat and took her to the front seat, sitting down and closing the door. I tried to get her to latch and she took it. She fed until she fell asleep in my arms. I let out a sigh and covered up, getting back out of the car and putting her in her car seat, careful not to wake her. I strapped her in and got back in the car. Andy pulled out of the parking spot and got back on the highway. We made it another hour before Elijah started crying, causing Andy to pull off the highway again.

The rest of the drive, we had to make a stop every thirty minutes because one or both of the babies started crying.

"You know, making this drive was a lot easier before we had kids." Andy laughed as he got back on the highway for the fourth time. 

"Everything was a lot easier before we had kids." I smirked.

"Now if you guys could just make it until we get to grandma and grandpa's house, please." Andy begged, glancing at the kids in the rearview mirror. 

"One more hour." I smiled, squeezing his hand. Luckily the rest of the drive was smooth and we finally pulled up to my parents house. We got out and each grabbed a kid, making sure not to wake them up. We walked up to the front door and knocked.

"He-llo." My mom said, noticing the babies were asleep and quickly quieting her voice. "Let me see my grandbabies!" She whispered. Andy handed Elijah to her and turned to go grab stuff from the car."

"We had kind of a rough trip." I laughed as I walked into my parents' house. "The twins woke up crying every thirty minutes."

"Oh no, well I'm glad you guys made it." She smiled.

"Same room as usual?" Andy asked, walking in with a folded up bassinet in each hand.

"Yes." She said as Andy headed up the stairs. My mom and I followed him, the two of us sitting on the bed as he set up the bassinets. He grabbed Eliza from me and placed her down, my mom doing the same with Elijah. He plugged in the baby monitor and slipped the other end into his pocket.

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