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ShyAnne's POV

*3 Years Later*

"Andy, we have to go!" I called from the front door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He said, rushing through the house to meet me at the front door. I went out to the car while he locked the door.

"I got the babies strapped in." Eliza said from the very back of the car.

"Thank you sweetheart." I said, turning to look at my five kids in the backseat.

"I'm not a baby!" Callie protested defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting her lip.

"Yeah!" Chloe and Carter chimed in.

"You'll always be my baby sister." Eliza teased.

"STOPPPPPP!" Callie whined.

"All of you stop! We are not fighting this early in the damn morning." I said as Andy got in the car. 

"Woah, what did I miss?" Andy asked.

"Eliza antagonizing the triplets as always."

"Eliza, can you please leave them alone for once?" Andy practically begged as he pulled out of the driveway.

"I was just kidding." She huffed, looking out the window. We drove to the school in silence, Andy parking in an empty parking spot. We all piled out of the car and I went to grab Callie's hand, Eliza cutting in.

"I've got it mom." Eliza said proudly, grabbing Callie's hand and holding Chloe's in the other. Elijah grabbed Carter's hand and began to walk up to the school. Andy and I followed behind, the twins leading the triplets to their classroom.

"Good morning Callie, Carter, and Chloe!" Mrs. Muras cheered as we made it to her room.

"Hi!" They said, letting go of the twins' hands and waving at her.

"And nice to see you two again Eliza and Elijah. What grade are you guys in now?" She asked.

"Third!" They said together.

"Oh wow, you guys are so grown up! Have a great first day, okay?" She said and they nodded. I bent down and hugged the triplets, never wanting to let go.

"Mommy, I need to go to school." Callie said quietly, causing me to chuckle.

"I know." I said, wiping a few tears from my face. "I love you guys so much and I can't wait to hear all about your first day of Kindergarten." I said. Andy hugged them next and then stood up.

"Come on!" Callie said, running into the classroom, Chloe following her. Carter stayed in place, looking between us and his sisters in the classroom.

"Can I go with Li-li?" He asked sweetly, pointing at Elijah. With the girls being identical, they've formed a closer bond, leaving Carter as the third wheel so to speak. He's gotten really close with Elijah who has enough love to go around for everyone.

"I'm sorry buddy, you need to stay here. Trust me, you don't want to come to third grade. Kindergarten is fun! You get to play and color and listen to stories! In third grade you have to do yucky multiplication." Elijah said, sticking his tongue out.

"Can I stay with you?" Carter asked, looking up at Andy and I.

"No baby, you've got to go to school." I said, bending down to get on his level. "You're going to have so much fun with your teacher and your sisters today. You're going to make a bunch of new friends."

"I don't want to go to school!" He cried. I held him close as he cried, stepping off to the side so we weren't in anybody's way.

"Shh, it's okay. You're going to have lots of fun. I promise." I said, pulling away and kissing his forehead.

"Come on, I'll help you find your desk." Elijah said, holding his hand out to his little brother.

"Do you want Li-li to take you?" I asked and he nodded, wiping his eyes with his fists. He kept wiping his eyes with one hand while he grabbed Elijah's outstretched hand with the other one. The two walked into the room and I watched as Elijah helped Carter find his desk, put his backpack away, and got him situated. He gave him a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the room.

"That was very sweet of you." I smiled at my son as I kissed the top of his head.

"Mom, stopppp." He whined.

"Oh, we're not at that stage yet, are we?" I sighed. "Come on, let's get you guys to class." I said as the four of us walked out of the kinder hallway and back to the main hallway. We followed the hallway to the end and took a left, going all the way to the end until we reached the third grade classrooms.

"Hello, remind me of your names again." Their third grade teacher said.

"Eliza Biersack." Eliza said.

"Elijah Biersack." Elijah said.

"We're going to have a great year together. Feel free to come in and find your desk." She said and they started to walk into the classroom.

"Ah, I need a hug." I said. They groaned and walked over to him, trying to give me a quick hug but I held onto them for a few seconds longer. They finally broke free and gave Andy a hug before rushing into the classroom. Andy and I went back to the car and the water works started.

"What's up, buttercup?" Andy asked with a cute smile on his face.

"Our kids are all grown up and they don't need us anymore and, oh my god, we're old." I rambled, causing Andy to laugh.

"They need us. Whose going to feed them and buy them video games!" Andy joked.

"The twins are already acting like teenagers! They're eight!"

"It's just because they were in public. Tonight at bedtime, they'll be begging for you to tuck them in and read them a story, just like every night. They're still just kids Shy, all five of them. They still need us. They're always going to need us, even when they're thirty, we are their parents."

"You're right, I just want my tiny little babies back."

"I know, but they had to grow up sometime."

"I know." I huffed, wiping my eyes.

"I love you so much ShyAnne." He smiled at me.

"I love you too Andy." I said, giving him a kiss.


Thank you so much for 14k reads!

Alright, that's officially it! Again, I hope you liked this story and I hope you read the sequel! I'll let you guys know when it's posted!

Please leave a comment and let me know what you thought! I love reading your comments! <3

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