Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

Lexi and I rushed in, running towards Snape. This teacher that we both absolutely despised was dying in front of us. Even though we may have wished that he was dead, we never meant to see him die.

"Lexi! Help!" I called. Although it wouldn't really make a difference, I needed Lexi to stop him from bleeding out. "Put pressure on the wound!"

Lexi firmly pressed against the wound, blood instantly coating her hand. Snape looked up at me, staring. It's like he didn't notice that Lexi was even there. Suddenly, a tear slipped out of his eye and started to run down his face. This tear was followed by more tears.

"Take them," Snape whispered hoarsely. He held a small phial in his right hand which he now held towards me. I quickly grabbed the phial, knowing what he meant, and placed the phial against his cheek, directly in front of a line of incoming tears.

I pulled the phial away, satisfied with the amount of tears. I knew what Snape wanted now. He gave me his tears so I could see his past. I already knew some of it accidentally when we were doing Occlumency lessons a couple of years ago. My father, who I greatly admired, bullied Snape.

"You have your mother's eyes," Snape croaked. His final breath was released as his life escaped him. I reached over and closed his eyes out of general respect. He may have been a dick teacher, but he was a good man.

I pulled Lexi up with me as we headed back to the castle.

"Where are we going now?" Lexi asked.

"To the Pensieve,"


I poured the salty tears into the Pensieve, watching as it diluted the magical water. I looked to Lexi quickly before ducking my head underneath the water.

"You're a freak, Lily! I'm telling Mother!" The person I assumed was Aunt Petunia yelled. My mother ran away, up to a tree. A boy stepped out from behind part of the trunk to comfort her. 

Snape and Lily are lying on the ground, talking. They're friends, good friends. They both start laughing.

My mother being sorted into Gryffindor and meeting James, my father. Snape seems jealous, like he was being replaced.

My parents as adults, kissing, while Snape's voice was shouting in the background, "Lazy, arrogant..."

Snape begging Dumbledore to hide my family out of his love for Lily. Dumbledore seemed to be the bad one, only willing to protect my family in exchange for something. Snape was willing to give anything to have his only love protected.

My mother whispering to me as a baby, "Harry, I love you. Harry, be safe,". Voldemort appears and casts the Killing Curse at my mother. Hearing her scream made me flinch as I was watching it.

Snape getting angry at Dumbledore for not keeping Lily safe. Dumbledore saying, "Lily and James put their fate in the wrong person,"

Dumbledore saying I have her eyes. Snape refocuses his attention on what Dumbledore's saying. Snape telling Dumbledore that no one can know of his love for Lily. 

Snape's point of view throughout my schooling; when I was sorted into Gryffindor, when he did the Occlumency lessons, Snape interrogating Malfoy over Dumbledore's emminent assasination, Snape finding my mother dead and crying over her body.

Dumbledore started talking, informing Snape of something.

"When Voldemort cast the spell that night and Lily Potter stood between them, the curse rebounded. a part of Voldemort's soul latched itself to the only living thing it could find: Harry. There's a reason he can speak to snakes, there's a reason he can look into Lord Voldemort's mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside him."

"So when the time comes, the boy must die?" Snape asked.


Snape waved his wand and cast a Patronus, a doe. Just like my mother's.

When I saw the Patronus that led me to the sword, that was Snape helping me, keeping me alive.

"So when the time comes, the boy must die?" Snape repeated.

"Yes. And Voldemort must be the one to do it," Dumbledore answered.

Conqueror (Twilight/Harry Potter Crossover) - Book 8حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن