Chapter 18

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Lexi's POV

The Order, plus our friends and some of the teachers at Hogwarts stood in the courtyard, waiting for Voldemort to come forward. I desperately hoped Harry was alive, even though I knew otherwise. He didn't go to reason with the enemy. Just as tears threatened to escape my eyes, a hand grabbed onto my shoulder. I shot around, tense and uneasy, to be faced with Ron. He had tears in his eyes too, after losing Fred.

I threw my arms around him, comforting him while he also comforted me.

"I'm so sorry, Ron!" I sobbed.

"Don't worry, Lex. You had nothing to do with it." A small smile tugged at his unmoving lips. "Harry'll be fine."

"How will he be fine? He handed himself over to Voldemort to die!" I suddenly burst into a fit of rage.

"Lexi, think about it! Harry would have had a plan! He would want to have plan to be able to come back to you and the baby. He always seems to be able to find little loopholes in problems we face," Ron reasoned with me.

Ron's reasoning gave me more hope that Harry wasn't dead and that he had found a loophole.

"They're coming!" Neville announced.

We all stood in a line, the wolves behind us. I couldn't make out any people yet, but the scar on my arm started throbbing a little, informing me that Voldemort was definitely there.

Ron and Hermione stood on either side of me and Dad was behind me in his wolf form.

As they walked closer I could make out Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy by their light-coloured hair and there was a large man on the very side.

Hagrid. But why was Hagrid with them? They probably forced him because he would never do something like that.

Hagrid had something in his arms, something that he wass carrying. As they came closer, I could make out the sad expression on Hagrid's face and the evil smile on Voldemort's.

I started to see parts of what Hagrid was carrying. More like who. I noticed dark hair, which could be Harry's. My heart was in my throat, not wanting this to be real, but as Hagrid and the rest of the opposition stopped walking, the person's head flopped to the side, revealing his features.

I gasped as I took in the glasses, the scar, the scratches; all plastered onto that very recognisable face of the man I love. A man that is now dead in Hagrid's arms.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort announced, confirming my fears. A smile spread over his lips as I started crying, hysterically, clutching my torso as I started to hyperventilate. 

This isn't real! This isn't real! I tried to tell myself, but there was no hope left in me.

Voldemort took pleasure out of my pain, laughing. I could hear Bellatrix's cackling laughter joining in.

The pain that wracked my body was similar to that of Crucio, but it wouldn't stop.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, wanting to expel all the pain I felt, but nothing would make it stop.

I ran forward, infuriated, only to be stopped and pulled back by Ron and Hermione.

"You stupid girl!" Voldemort spat, "Harry Potter is dead and now, you all must follow me. So, join me or die,"

I would never go and stand with him. Neither would any of us. Except for Draco, of course, and Voldemort knew that.

"Draco, come here," Lucius called. Draco hesitated before walking over to his parents.

"Well done, Draco," Voldemort said. "Any others?"

Neville hobbled forward, but not to join them.

"I'd like to say something."

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say," Voldemort said, seeming to be trying to control his anger.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die every day; friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But they're all with us in here," He said, pointing to his heart. "Remus, Tonks, Fred, all of them.

"They didn't die in vain, but you will!" Neville started yelling at Voldemort, but he stood there laughing at him. "Cause you're wrong!" Neviile pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat and readied it, just as Harry dropped from Harry's arms.

Harry stood up and faced Voldemort. He was alive.

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