Chapter 7

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Lexi's POV

"Everyone ready?" Hermione asked. It took me a bit to remember it was her because she now looked like your average young adult woman that walked into Hogsmeade. Ron looked pretty ordinary too, which was good. Since they looked ordinary, no one would give them a second glance.

Harry nodded while I gave her a thumbs-up. We were ready to go.

We apparated to an alley down the side of Hogsmeade and Harry passed Ron the cloak. He then picked me up in his arms, finding that would be easier for the two of us to be concealed if I was being carried. I didn't think it would matter, but Harry insisted. Ron helped us out by throwing the cloak over the two of us, effectively concealing us. I had my arm wrapped around Harry's neck and my head buried into his neck. I suddenly felt quite tired - one the pregnancy 'perks' was always being tired no matter how much sleep I got - but I refused to let myself sleep.

"You can have a quick catnap while we find Dumbledore's brother. It might take a while, anyway," Harry whispered, somehow knowing that I was feeling quite tired.

I decided I would sleep and slowly shut my eyes, Harry's slight jostling movements being strangely comforting and relaxing.

When I woke up, I was still in Harry's arms. He'd refused to put me down. I wondered how tired his arms must be. I'm not exactly heavy, but I'm not exactly light either. I moved my arms and everyone stopped talking and turned to look at me, including an old man who I assumed was Dumbledore's brother. I blushed and looked at Harry, silently telling him to put me down.

He set me on my feet and I looked at the others, expectantly.

"Would you like me to restart to that the sleeping girl is on the same page as us?" Aberforth sounded annoyed and impatient. Hermione was about to reply but I cut her off.

"They'll fill me in later or I'll figure it out. Either way, continue speaking. Sorry for interrupting you by waking up," I replied, adding a fair amount of sarcasm to the end. The old man narrowed his eyes at me, but continued.

"We weren't very far into our conversation anyway," Hermione reassured me, smiling.

"You brother, Albus, set us a task. He wanted us to destroy all the Horcruxes so we'd be able to defeat...Him," Harry went on.

"That's not a task; that's a suicide mission." The old man replied bitterly.

"Well...we need a way into Hogwarts because we think that one of the Horcruxes is inside. We just can't be caught,"

"Obviously," The man replied curtly. What was with this guy? "I have a way. It was Albus' idea. He obviously knew someone'd need it at some point. He was right. I've had a lot of young folk like you lot pass through here to get inside the castle. Ariana," The man looked at the portrait with a young girl. The girl walked away down a long path. All of us sat waiting for her to come back, or for something to happen.

Who was Ariana anyway? As if hearing my mental question, Harry asked Aberforth the question that was on my mind.

"Who is Ariana?" He asked. The man stared at Harry for a little before deciding to answer.

"She was my sister. She was attacked by Muggle boys when she was just six. They caught her practicing magic and attacked her. She couldn't control her magic after that. Even killed our mother accidentally. She was killed by a curse that Gellert Grindelwald cast. She was only fourteen," His voice broke as the old man became quite emotional. I felt sorry for the young girl.

I looked to see the girl walking back towards us. The others noticed too and focused on it.

"She's coming back. But who's with her?" Ron asked.

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