Chapter 4

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Lexi's POV

We arrived at Gringotts and shakily stepped out from the carriage. Griphook carried the key to the vault, nicking it off one of the other goblins previously. The vault opened and my eyes widened in response.

There was gold everywhere, and not just gold pieces but gold artifacts and treasures.

The door slammed shut behind us and we jumped, enveloped in darkness suddenly.

We all cast Lumos and scanned around the vault some more.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Ron asked, looking around in awe at the riches.

"Not sure. Just look for something that stands out, I guess," Harry answered.

He grabbed my hand, not wanting to leave my side too long, and walked around the vault with me.

I saw Hermione and Ron walk past and only then did I realise that our facades had worn off. Hermione looked like herself again and Ron's facial hair had disappeared. I felt along the side of my cheek to find that my scars were gone too.

"Accio Horcrux," I attempted, to no avail. "Damn it. This is like finding a needle in a gigantic haystack,"

"I know. We'll find it eventually, though,"

Harry suddenly stopped walking and narrowed his eyes, focusing on something. When he noticed me staring at him, confused, he asked,

"Can you hear that? The voices?" He asked. I listened carefully and, sure enough, I heard faint voices in the distance. It was as if the voice was calling us to the Horcrux.

Harry and I walked forward, heading towards the voices. They gradually grew louder as we neared it and we stopped as we came face to face with a wall of gold.

Harry looked up and pointed, motioning for me to look up too.

"The cup! The cup's the Horcrux!" He exclaimed.

Just as we were about to climb (somehow) and reach it, Hermione squealed in fright. Harry and I shot around and saw why.

Gold was multiplying and quickly filling up the room. If we didn't grab the Horcrux and get out of the vault fast, we'd be buried alive.

Harry quickly let go of my hand and asked for the sword from Ron. Ron threw it and Harry climbed. I walked over to Ron and Hermione, and stopped next to them. When I stopped moving, I realised the gold stopped multiplying.

"Stop moving!" I yelled at Ron and Hermione, worried they might not hear me over the loud noise. They heard, though, and froze. The gold was now at our waist and wasn't currently climbing any higher. The only person moving was Harry who was reaching towards the cup with the tip of the sword. The gold engulfed him and we stared, waiting for a movement. I started panicking, but was relieved when Harry burst out of the gold with the sword in one hand and the cup in the other.

As Harry reached us, he tripped and the cup went flying out of his grasp. Griphook caught it but didn't look like he was going to give it back.

"Give us the cup, Griphook!" Harry shouted.

"You promised me the sword so give me it and I'll give you the cup," He bargained. Harry threw him the sword and Griphook threw the cup. Hermione caught it and we headed to the door.

"I said I'd help you get it. I didn't say anything about getting you out," Griphook said. He smiled deviously before opening the door and leaving us. The gold had reached our necks, and all of us craned out necks back, keeping ourselves from suffocating right now. Harry shot up out of the gold, quickly helping me up. Ron did the same for Hermione and the four of us ran out the still-open door.

"You bloody thief!" I shouted over the rail of the landing we were standing on. Griphook continued the run, just as security showed up, firing at us.

We hid behind pillars and walls, avoiding being hit for the moment.

"Hermione, what do we do?" I yelled.

"I have a plan, but it's bloody mad!" She yelled back. Part of the pillar to my left broke off, leaving me partially exposed. I turned on my side, glad that my stomach wasn't sticking out yet.

"Hermione!" I yelled, desperate.

"Reducto!" She shouted, blowing away the railing.

She ran quickly, dodging charms, and leaped onto the dragon-guard's back, grabbing hold of one of the spines.

We stared at her, shocked.

"Come on! We don't have much time!" Hermione shouted. The dragon started moving, getting restless and agitated with a mysterious person on it's back.

Ron went next, then Harry, then me. Just as I jumped, the dragon moved, making me fall short. Harry reached his hand out, nearly falling off the dragon himself. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I grabbed onto the spine closest to him and closed my eyes, dreading what was coming.

Even though I'd ridden a hippogriff before, this was worse. Way worse.

The dragon started climbing up the wall and we all held on for dear life. We reached the top and saw the gate we came in. The dragon smashed through it and the goblins ran for their lives. The dragon hit the chandelier and glass shard rained down it's back, over the four of us. Hermione cried out, a shard having cut her, and Harry gritted his teeth. I saw blood running down his head and held back the instinct the wipe it away, knowing I'd fall off with only one hand. 

The dragon stretched up and smashed through the glass roof of Gringotts. I climbed out and sat on the top of some other building.

"Now what? We need to get out of here! I don't want to go the Azkaban!" Ron shouted.

"Reducto!" Hermione cast at the dragon's tail. The dragon cried out and lifted off the ground. We lifted into the sky, soaring.

If I wasn't afraid I would fall to my death, I might've actually enjoyed this.

We came to a stop in a secluded forest, once again, and let the dragon go. We then set up the tent and the wards.

I basically collapsed on my bed, exhausted. Harry seemed exhausted too, but was too focused on examining the cup to be as sleepy as I was.

I fell into deep, dreamless sleep, not being haunted by my nightmares for the first time since the 'incident'.

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