Chapter 2

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Lexi's POV

At Shell Cottage, because of the shortage of rooms and the amount of people, Harry and I had to share a room, not that it bothered us, mind you.

One morning, I woke up feeling extremely nauseous. Harry's arm was wrapped around my waist and I hastily pulled his arm away as I bolted out the door and across the hall to the toilet, throwing up everything I ate last night. Since I didn't eat much though, I eventually started dry-heaving, my stomach empty of anything to bring back up,

"Lexi? Are you alright?" Harry asked through the shut door, concerned. "Can I come in?"

"If you wish," I answered, after flushing the toilet and quickly rinsing my mouth.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked, feeling me forehead.

"Fine now. Must've eaten something last night," I mused, curious as to what made me sick. "I'm sorry I woke you up,"

"It's fine. I would've noticed you weren't with me soon enough anyway. Do you need me to get Fleur? She could see if there's anything serious," Harry's brow creased in concern and I rubbed the crease playfully, not wanting Harry to worry about me.

"Someone called for me?" Fleur asked, poking her head through the door.

"Yeah, Lexi threw up and we're not sure why. I was wondering if you could check her over to make sure she's okay," Harry filled Fleur in as she looked at me, concerned.

Fleur waved her hand, not needing a wand, over my body from head to toe. A startled expression crossed her face before she hid her expression, not quick enough for Harry and I not to see it.

"What is it, Fleur?" Harry asked, increasingly more worried.

"Can I talk with Lexi alone please, Harry?" Fleur asked. Harry deliberated before stepping outside the bathroom, closing the door.

Fleur put a silencing charm over the room and started talking.

"Lexi, have you had your period recently?" She asked, making blush a little at the awkwardness of the situation. But as I thought over the answer, I realised I was due to have my period three days ago.

"Shit! This can't be happening!" I shouted, sitting down on the ground with my head in my hands. I was not ready to be a parent, and it couldn't have happened at a worse possible time.

I tried to think of when we didn't use protection and came up blank. Until I remembered our sex in the woods after destroying the locket. We rushed a bit, not knowing when Ron and Hermione would wake up and go searching for us. Of course both of us forgot about using contraception.

"Lexi, calm down. You need to tell Harry now so the two of you can sort out what you're going to do,"

"What do you mean, 'what we're going to do'?" I asked, raising my voice.

"Whether you'll keep the baby. I'll admit, it's not the best time right now to be pregnant, but there's not much you can do,"

"Fleur, what am I going to do? I'm only 17! What if Harry decides to leave! What if--"

"Lexi, if I know Harry well enough, he won't leave you. He'll be accepting of the situation the two of you are in and he'll care for you. But I may be wrong. You'll have to find out yourself," Fleur rubbed my back, stood up, and removed the silencing charm.

"You can come in, Harry!" I shouted, my voice failing me as I broke into sobs. Fleur moved so that Harry could come sit down next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing my back while I cried into my hands.

"I'm...I'm p-pregnant," I managed to get out through my sobs. Harry's hand stopped rubbing circles on my back and froze. I looked at him to see him go pale as he stared at me, looking down at my stomach.

"W-what are we going do to?" Harry asked, continuing to rub my back slowly

"I don't know. Voldemort's still a threat and we don't know whether we'll still be on the run when the baby's due,"

"When would that be?"

"Middle of November, I estimate," Fleur answered.


"Yes, Lexi?" Harry was acting very serious. I was scared he was going to say he would leave me, or make me get rid of the child I already loved.

"Are you going to leave me?"

"No!" Harry grabbed my facae in his hands. "I would never do such a thing, especially not now! I promise to never let you out of my sight or put you or our child in any danger," He leaned his forehead against mine. The way he said 'our child' made me smile.

"Fleur, when Bellatrix tortured me, I was already pregnant. Did she hurt the baby?" I asked, worried. I stood up, placing my hands securely on my stomach.

"I don't think so. If she did, it wasn't serious because I would've picked it up when I examined you," She answered, smiling at me.

"When are we telling Ron and Hermione?" I asked Harry, anxious as to what their reaction will be.

"Now! Let's go!" Harry pulled me along behind him as we walked into the room they were staying in. Both were still sleeping. Since it was 7:15, we decided to wake them up.

"Wakey, wakey!" Harry yelled. Hermione shot up, awake, but Ron stayed asleep. Harry shook him vigorously until he woke up.

"...What's going on?" Ron asked, groggily.

"Lexi and I have something to share with you. This will come as a shock."

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Lexi's pregnant!" Harry asked, smiling widely. Hermione returned half a smile and Ron stared at us. I was worried he was going to get angry at us, but he broke into a grin just as big as Harry's.

"That's great! Is it a boy or a girl? What are you naming it?" Ron launched questions at us.

"We don't know yet. But we want you guys to be this baby's godparents," I answered. Harry smiled at me, telling me he agreed with my godparent idea.

"Bloody hell! Why'd you even ask? Of course! What about you, 'Miones?" Ron yelled, probably waking anyone who was still asleep.

Hermione stayed silent, but stood up and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me comfortingly.

"Of course," She whispered in my ear. "I'm so happy for you two. Just don't drag me along when you tell your parents," She even managed to laugh a little.


A/N: How was this chappie? I liked the idea of having Lexi and Harry have to worry about something other than each other.

Please leave comments with ideas and opinions!

Keep Calm, my awesome readers!

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