Outtake 2

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Lexi's POV

I was focusing on breathing deeply, trying to calm my nerves. Today was the day. The most special day of my life. I was getting married to Harry. Harry and I decided to share our special day with Ron and Hermione, who were also getting married.

My mother usually would've disapproved of me marrying at such a young age but since we now had our son, Jacob, she thought it was an ideal decision to get married.

I was sitting in my dressing gown while my hair and makeup was being put on by Ginny and Luna. Hermione was sitting in the same room as me and in a chair right beside mine. She reached out her arm and I held her hand. Her makeup had already been finished and she looked really beautiful.

"Done!" Luna exclaimed and I turned to look myself in the mirror, my breath getting caught in my throat. They did my makeup perfectly. It brought out the color of my eyes in the best way, while accentuating my features. My hair was tied up in aa bun at the top of my head with a few curly tendrils hanging loose.

I had to back tears as I turned and hugged both of them. I didn't want to ruin the perfect makeup by crying.

"Thank you so much!" I choked out, on the brink of crying.

"Time for the dresses!" Ginny announced to the both of us.

Ginny grabbed Hermione's dress and went to help her get into it, while Luna was taking care of my dress and getting me into it.

After Hermione and I were ready in our dresses and heels, we pulled each other in for a hug.

"It's time!" Luna announced, leading us out of the Weasley's house and towards the aisle. I was met by Mom who was gushing, while holding Jacob.

"Oh, you girls look so beautiful!" Mom gushed.

Jacob was set on the ground and he waddled over to me. He was going to be walking down the aisle with Hermione and I, holding one of my hands and one of Hermione's.

"Ready, little buddy?" I asked him, smiling. His straight, black hair was haphazard, but I could tell Mom had tried to comb it into some neatness. His big, brown eyes gazed up at me and I gazed back at him lovingly. He looked adorable in a little tux with a small bowtie. es

We started walking, but had to go reasonably slow to accomodate Jakey's slow walking.

We finally reached out fiancées and Jacob was taken to sit with my mother. Harry held my hand softly in his, staring into my eyes with pure, unadulterated love. I returned the gaze smiling at him.

"You look beautiful," He whispered.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I whispered, smiling cheekily at him.

Harry then started saying his vows.

"I love you for your beauty, your intelligence, you kindness...and for the way you always know how to make me feel so special. So on top of all the other vows that I will make to you on our wedding day, I also vow to always appreciate how lucky I am to have someone who makes me feel the way you do and to continue to try as hard as I can to make you feel as special as you make me feel, forever and ever."

I then started saying my vows, which I had recited many times.

"You have been my best friend, my mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible," I started to tear up whilst staring into Harry's eyes, a lump forming in my throat.

"You have made me a better person as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today...becomes our life together," I was crying now, but crying tears of joy and happiness.

I barely heard the minister say we could kiss, but Harry was leaning in towards me and his lips found mine with a passion like no other. He was mine and I was his.

We pulled apart and everyone applauded, even Jacob. Some people were crying, like Mom and Mrs Weasley. Jacob climbed off Mom's lap and ran up to us. Harry lifted him up and bounced the little toddler on his hip. I couldn't believe that it was a little over a year ago that he was born. He looked a lot like Harry in his features, but he had my eyes, which Harry was glad about.

"Congratulations, Mrs Potter," Harry leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Thank you, Mr Potter," I whispered back at him, smiling cheekily.

"You two, save it for the wedding night!" Ron exclaimed.

I blushed furiously and looked down, while Harry cracked up laughing.

I was now officially his, as he was mine. Now and forever.

Conqueror (Twilight/Harry Potter Crossover) - Book 8Where stories live. Discover now