Chapter 11

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Lexi's POV

We bolted to the Room of Requirement, knowing that there wasn't much time until the battle started. Just as we turned down the corridor to the Room, we bumped into someone.

"Watch out!" Ron shouted.

"Ron?" Harry asked.

"We were looking for you two!" Hermione ran up to join Ron, excited to see us.

"The diadem is in the Room of Requirement. All we need to do is get in and we'll be fine,"

"That's easier said than done,"

"I know. We need to hurry," 

We all jogged the rest of the way to the Room and stopped in front of the blank wall that we knew was hiding the diadem.

"Just think about wanting the diadem and we should be right to enter," Harry prepped us all before closing his eyes and focusing. The three of us did the same and, sure enough, the blank wall formed a doorway.

Harry stepped forward first and walked through, followed by me, then Ron, then Hermione. 

"Oh shit," I said, mostly to myself.

The room we'd entered had piles nearly touching the roof, piles packed with junk and other useless stuff.

"How in Merlin's name are we supposed to find a diadem in here?" Ron said, exasperated.

Harry walked forward, making his own path. The horcrux must be calling out to him.

We all followed, flanking Harry incase he needed backup. He stopped suddenly, looking towards a small pile on his right.

"Found it!" He shouted.

"Good job, Potter," A voice called from behind us. We all shot around to see Malfoy with only one minion. Goyle was the only one with him. I suspected the other one was too much of a coward to stay and fight.

"Get lost, Malfoy." I shouted, seething.

"Make me," He replied, raising his wand.

The four of us raised our wands at the two of them. We definitely had the upper hand.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione shouted, disarming Draco. He ran like the coward that he is, Goyle sticking back to cast a spell of his own.

"Avada Kedavra!" Goyle shouted. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back so I was standing behind him.

"Stupefy!" Hermione countered Goyle's spell, making it hit the diadem and send it flying halfway up the large pile.

"That's my girlfriend, you numpty!" Ron shouted, chasing after Goyle.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me," I mumbled, looking towards where the diadem was sitting. It was at least 5 meters above us.

"Lexi, stay down here," Harry said, letting go of my arm.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as Harry walked towards the biggest pile.

"Climbing up. You need to stay down here. I don't want you to fall," Harry started climbing up, grabbing onto chairs and couches and anything else in that pile.

I needed to go up and help him. I was still quite agile and quick on my feet.

"Don't even think about it," Hermione whispered in my ear, clearly able to tell I was about to do something.

"But Harry needs help pulling away the objects to get the the diadem," I pointed out, watching Harry tugging at a chair.

"Alright, then. Just don't fall or Harry will never forgive me," Hermione joked.

We ran up and climbed the pile. Because of my wolf genetics, I was far more quick and agile than Hermione, reaching Harry in just a couple of minutes.

"I thought I told you to stay down there," Harry chastised me as I was helping him pull the chair free. The chair was the only object blocking him from reaching the diadem.

"You needed help. Plus, we need to stick together. Not just you and me, but the four of us,"

Hermione had reached us and started pulling at the chair as well. With our combined strength, we tugged the chair free. Only Harry wasn't holding onto anything else. He grabbed the diadem and started to fall. If he fell from this height, he'd most likely die.

I threw my arm out, still holding onto whatever object I was holding onto. I grabbed Harry's wrist and stopped him from falling. But know he was dangling a good 3 1/2 meters above the ground. If he fell, he could break his legs.

I could feel my hand getting sweaty but I wasn't sure whether I had the strength to pull him up. I instead decided to swing Harry closer to the pile so he could grab onto something. It took a few attempts, but we succeeded. The three of us climbed down and reached the temporary safety of the ground.

We heard shouting but couldn't make out what the words were. The pile in the distance started to have a bright glow, like a light was shining on it. Ron ran towards us, screaming in terror.

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" Ron ran past us, grabbing Hermione, and we all ran.

I looked over my shoulder and understood. Goyle, being the idiot that he obviously was, cast a Fiendfyre. The fire in the shape of a dragon was chasing us. I could feel the heat of the fire and the Fiendfyre neared us.

We turned the corner and saw fire coming towards us. We looked behind and the fire was still nearing us. We were getting cornered.

Ron tripped over as he was backing away, but fell against brooms, which gave us an idea.

He passed us all a broom and the four of us flew. Harry was the fastest rider, being a Seeker, and led the way.

We passed Malfoy and Goyle who were clutching onto part of a table at the top of a pile.

"We can't leave them" Harry shouted.

"Fucking hell!" I shouted. We circled around and headed towards them. Just as we neared them, Goyle lost his grip and fell into the flames. Harry passed Malfoy but missed grabbing his hand. I was behind Harry and was next to try and grab Malfoy's hand. I succeeded and pulled him onto the back of my broom. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, clinging to me for dear life.

He then realised what he was doing and loosened his arms.

"You so owe me for this, Malfoy," I shouted.

We flew fast, dodging falling debris, and made it out of the Room. Malfoy quickly ran off and we would've too, if not for the diadem.

"Harry!" Hermione called, tossing the random Basilisk fang that she managed to have in her bag. Harry stabbed it, a look of pain crossing his face.

Ron ran up and kicked the destroyed Horcrux into the flames of the Room of Requirement, just as the door closed.

I collapsed onto my back, worn out but relieved.

"That was a close one," I breathed.

"Yeah. If we ever risk our lives like that for Malfoy again, I'll kill you, Harry," Ron warned.

"Another Horcrux destroyed," Harry stated.

"What's left?" Hermione asked.

"Not sure,"


A/N: I'm really happy with the amount of votes I'm getting per chapter. It's really nice to know that people like my stories.

The final chapter is like the actual book with the '19 years later' thing so after that chapter, I'm doing a few little outtakes that are little things that happen in between after the battle and when they see their children off at Hogwarts.

I'm taking ideas now, so please comment them or inbox me. I already have 2 or 3 but I'll happily take more.

Thanks, my awesome readers! :D

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